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The Official Sub for Whatever
This is a catch-all free-for-all sub: if your post doesn't exactly fit another sub or you can't be bothered to find the right sub, this is the place for your post.

See also v/AnonWhatever if you want to ask your question anonymously.

Owner: system


Trump’s EOs bringing about the necessary societal changes      (
submitted by Irelandlost to whatever 50 minutes ago (+14/-0)
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no more happy endings for you: Several local massage parlor owners and managers arrested in panama city Fl      (
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to whatever 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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BAY COUNTY, Fla. (WMBB) – Bay County Sheriff Tommy Ford has announced the arrest of multiple local massage parlor owners and managers.

BCSO said they were arrested for failing to maintain records and regulations required by state law at the businesses. In July 2024, new laws took effect concerning the records and retention periods of records that massage parlors must keep.
We are not doing Mrna vaccinations, personalized, or designed by AI or otherwise. Those advocating them should be removed from office.     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 hour ago (+5/-0)
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New phrases you might enjoy     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 1 hour ago (+2/-1)
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helicopter theater - any disaster that comes out of nowhere, and conveniently
distracts from something that is politically damaging. Hey did you hear about
the government mishandling of the california fires? Nevermind that, did you hear
about the tranny helicopter crash recently?

base responsbility - "we couldn't" -> "we wouldn't", "we tried" -> "we didn't", "we were blocked" -> "we didn't try to get around the block", "some of the party betrayed us at
the last minute" -> "we refuse to kick them out of the party and will in fact be having
lunch with them later." see "strongly worded letters".

neutral productivity - being just footdragging, just incompetent enough, just disorganized enough, that it helps an apparent enemy.

consolidated depravity - see washington D.C.

managed crisis - any disaster or situation made worse or longer lasting intentionally by a government, because it is more beneficial to them to lengthen and intensify the disaster than to solve it.

precision problem - when a broad policy-problem becomes such a public uproar a government can't ignore it anymore, so they respond by running a managed crisis defined so narrow, that it appears its solved when in fact it has effectively been ignored.

obscured allowance - see USAID

sunday proof - what news media puts out on the weekend when everyone is resting after work, getting ready for monday. No one sees it as a result.

shed bomber - see the FBI arresting teenagers for doing stupid teenage shit.

flex definition - wordsalad

hat talk - shit fags that always wear beanies or ten gallon hats say, posers.

stadium coma - too much bread and circuses, an idiot.

blank substitute - politicians and leadership whom we're unfamiliar with. See "pence who?" from 2016.

tank withdrawal - anyone so used to war news that lack of war news makes them anxious.

divorce nationalism - roasties having a come to jesus moment and becoming so called born-again trad wifes.

clearance association - see 'a den of spooks and cretins'.

peanut infrastructure - see 'third world shithole', built like they paid peanuts to make it last.

chart armor - any time anything ordinary saves someones life. see trump turning his head to look at a graph.

dairy reform - communist purges of farms due to the 'flu'.

alcohol waist - a bitch with a beer belly.

chalk sculpture - a corpse

a fishermans jest - a nasty and clever insult that becomes worse the more you think about it.

house brand - it fucking sucks.

slow menu - everyone fucking sucks and is a traitor that gets nothing done. All the picks suck.

torture manager - DEI officials.

cupboard graduate - state college graduate.

appreciation chain - whenever someones done a favor and won't stop reminding you of it.

polish drama - makes no fucking sense, and everyone involved is an idiot.

challenge visit - when someone shows up to cause problems, or showing up is expected to cause problems.

surface dividend - as opposed to job benefits

dividend communist - wants a bailout when failing, but keeps all the gains for themselves.

permanent mood - see resting bitch face.

straw dismissal - dismissing something or someone on pretext

ignorant debut - the next step after 'in over their own head' and doubling down.

fly tax - a tax on being obnoxious

tree minority - people who climb into your house using your trees, so they can steal stuff.

oak surface - see stonewalling.

mild vehicular confusion - see "mostly peaceful protest" and "firery but peaceful protest"

ribbon conference - unimportant shit to pacify loud and obnoxious but small demographics.

pavement pipe - any information or event that was convenient at the time, but is no longer convenient for the government or institutions, and so they cover it up no matter how many in the public keep asking about it.
He finna be a rocker surgeon      (
submitted by HomerSampson to whatever 2 hours ago (+8/-0)
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White people love that stick     (whatever)
submitted by IsraelRespecter to whatever 3 hours ago (+1/-1)
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Fucking savage.      (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to whatever 3 hours ago (+18/-0)
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the only way Trump annexing gaza makes sense from an American first perspective     (whatever)
submitted by CasualObserver to whatever 3 hours ago (+1/-0)
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is if the us defacto owns israel already. a special us sponsored camp for the special boys to pretend they run the world. keeps them busy with non sense far away from the mainland.

other than that, gaza is not the us's problem.
Africans selling Africans to work in the cobalt mines in the Congo.     (
submitted by allAheadFull to whatever 4 hours ago (+9/-0)
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The next narrative is black, white, and hispanic three way civil war isn't it and states refusing to cooperate or helpless to stop it isn't it?     (whatever)
submitted by prototype to whatever 4 hours ago (+1/-1)
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that's why     (
submitted by boekanier to whatever 7 hours ago (+25/-0)
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True love     (
submitted by puremadness to whatever 7 hours ago (+5/-0)
shitholes in the making     (
submitted by boekanier to whatever 7 hours ago (+12/-0)
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Hollywood's CIA Ties Exposed: Celebs or Special Agents?     (
submitted by boekanier to whatever 8 hours ago (+2/-1)
Does Nicotine Destroy Nanotech?     (
submitted by registereduser to whatever 9 hours ago (+8/-1)
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Nick Fuentes again: The little turd says - Send the Gaza lads to Ireland like Netanyahu wants, Israel is the best!     (
submitted by beece to whatever 10 hours ago (+13/-1)
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A traitor is 100 more dangerous than any enemy      (
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 12 hours ago (+53/-0)
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What do     (
submitted by kammmmak to whatever 12 hours ago (+38/-0)
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Britbong decides to take some EMF readings in his electric car...     (
submitted by Rotteuxx to whatever 13 hours ago (+23/-1)
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Ball and ass cancer for all the faggot battery car drivers.
USAID Was Paying Jeffrey Epstein     (
submitted by PeterTheRoman to whatever 13 hours ago (+16/-1)
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Every Single Client Should Be Brought To JUSTICE. Pardons Be Damned.
Does anyone log in on upgoat through their phone?     (whatever)
submitted by Dafurius_Nigario to whatever 14 hours ago (+3/-0)
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Yall were discussing the other day how upgoat is not increasing in traffic and how running it is too expensive we may have to shut it down.

And I was wondering...I never log in here through my phone cause the interface is shit.

I only log in from my pc

Are you guys interested in some brainstorming or suggestions that would help you improve this bitch?
Politico is owned by German Co, Axel Springer that makes all it's other employees swear allegiance to Israel     (whatever)
submitted by yesiknow to whatever 17 hours ago (+31/-0)
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"Unlike employees of its German newspapers, the employees of Politico do not have to sign Axel Springer's mission statement that expresses support for Israel and America's and Europe's transatlantic alliance."
Is Pepperwaffen a psyop? I thought it was legit     (whatever)
submitted by OftenWrong to whatever 18 hours ago (+4/-0)
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I thought pepperwaffen was a guy who they tried to cancel who is a nobody but I shared the link of his sale and now people are calling me a fed and saying it is a pajeet scammer. I think it is salty feds psyoping and gaslighting but I want to be sure
Stop. Posting. Youtube. Shorts.     (whatever)
submitted by BitterVeteran to whatever 21 hours ago (+16/-8)
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For the love of whatever... why the fuck would anyone watch these, much less post links to them?

Anyone... ANYONE that uses these links or watches youtube shorts is a kike.

The real puppetmaster, it's the guy who empties the bedpans, duh.     (
submitted by registereduser to whatever 23 hours ago (+2/-0)
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