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Member for: 2.8 years

scp: 457 (+481/-24)
ccp: 1521 (+1558/-37)
votes given: 3902 (+3902/-0)
score: 1978


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TheGunClub, Glowniggers,
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Weld it to your shoulder when your chin won’t reach     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 10 months ago


There is a theoretical limit to height over bore, but I’m not really wanting them to stop until “firing from the hip” is taught as a discipline
When the algorithm calls a spade a spade     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to Glowniggers 10 months ago


Double entendre
Unsharpened knives     (TheGunClub)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 1 year ago


A knife is not a gun, but it is a tool all the same.
I have knives, and many of them are razor sharp, but not all.

A busted tire, a felled tree, a crying child, each of these a priority in no particular order as is often the case.

So the unsharpened knives go on, dull and unused.

I had opportunity today to address the chip in a particular blade and it is now usable, perfection being the enemy of the good.

In the back of garage drawers and rusty toolboxes lies a blade or two of your own.

My suggestion is that you pay attention to the tools you have, and whether or not they are of any use to you in their current state.

Fix something, my goats, whether it be yourself, a long neglected heirloom, or the thing that may one day save you from necessity, that Mother of All Inventions.

A knife is a simple thing indeed
Casual demon believes he’s a god      (twitter.com)

submitted by Battlefat to BlackPilled 1.5 years ago


One deserves what one tolerates
On chattel…     (Philosophy)

submitted by Battlefat to Philosophy 1.5 years ago


If one is a subject, then there is no doubt in the certainty of servitude, whether one’s master is *personally* recognizable it does not matter — a man is a slave.

If one is sovereign, willfully directed, then one is one’s own master and slave only to one’s whims — it is imperative then that your whims carry speed and action, like an arrow, unto compression.

A thesaurus isn’t a dinosaur and obligations are mandatory to put relics of an ancient and fake organism into the ground to once more draw a dark and holy oil.

The last was not for you, but consider the former and crown yourself king before one becomes the rot of ages, a pool of lifeless and listless potential
It’s a meteorite, right?     (invidious.snopyta.org)

submitted by Battlefat to WeirdNews 1.6 years ago




original link isn’t working

Here’s the YouTube Link:

Everywhere is Voat now     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Battlefat to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago


Even here.

We were the virus all along
Robert Francis     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to memesharing 1.6 years ago


You just know
Imagine believing blood shed makes rain fall     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to memesharing 1.6 years ago


It does have an effect but rain isn’t it
I voted…     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by Battlefat to TellUpgoat 1.6 years ago


Interesting to watch everyone in line — no cell phone usage policy forced everyone to wait patiently while making uneasy eye contact. Once everyone sized each other up, it was quickly realized this community is homogeneous, seemingly politically aligned, and while the line was comprised of mostly older retired folk familiar with one another, it is frequently observed in communal gatherings that we are also sufficiently inundated with young parents and children and that at least *here* is a chance to push back against the degenerate hordes for one more generation.

Even if *voting means nothing*, and I’ve suspected for a while that appears the case, our people mean everything.

I am lucky to live comfortably amongst amiable families and fearsome, respectable men. There is a subversive element, somewhere here, for they exist everywhere, but this place has enough men and women unafraid to stare a stranger down enough to know they are not only *not* a threat, but closely enough related biologically to avoid feigning the lie of forced altruism — for now, this is a place where one earns their place in line

If my vote is meaningless, my volk is eternal
All ages welcome     (twitter.com)

submitted by Battlefat to AskUpgoat 1.6 years ago


Some will defend these degenerates, others will oppose. If anyone is the former, it’s a tough sell for the latter, so what say you?
The Epitome of Craftsmanship     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 1.6 years ago


I doubt it can be done better
A sum of its parts     (TheGunClub)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 1.6 years ago


Crafting a rifle from a bin of parts is an enjoyable past time that I recommend because *it is not difficult*, but it does require some moderate effort and mindfulness on the part of the craftsman.

Everything has a set of tolerance ranges that is important to abide when constructing but ultimately, for not a lot of technical difficulty, a bespoke rifle can be crafted to your exact desires.

“What’s in a name?”

I suppose it is appropriate for one to consider manufacturer’s efforts and purchase a fully-built, turnkey, rack grade rifle but whatever I call *mine* I’d be lying if I wasn’t a bit prideful in the end result and for that reason, I build — and because I can.

My rifle fucks, and is a reflection of the man who built it. I wish that for yours too, because what does it say of a man whose rifle is impotent and broken?
The Parable of Woodshop Hon     (whatever)

submitted by Battlefat to whatever 1.6 years ago


Several weeks ago, an absurd pair of silicone breasts was unfurled in a Canadian high school woodshop as testament to the relative absurdity of western social mores, and a living, breathing, *bouncing* meme was born.

As Halloween approaches in the USA, the market demand for the monstrous milkers has caused a spike in price, from $400/pair at nadir to $750+ peak and rising.

And thus the equivalent of a year’s salary in the majority impoverished portions of the world is spent for one night of lulz on a degenerate theme in the United States, and some wonder why they hate us.

They don’t really since *they want to be us*, but it’s a poor example to set for sure. I’m not the morality police, and I would point and laugh at the spectacle (as I have) but it’s tiresome to hear complaints of gas prices and food costs when fake silicone double ZZ titties are at a premium for holiday and no one seems much concerned.

There is no more fight in them…     (whatever)

submitted by Battlefat to whatever 1.6 years ago


The establishment bureaucracies and associated technocracies, they have to fight for their lives, but their minions, ie their puny individual voice pieces, the masktards and vaxtard and transtards and pedotards, they are done. In my world at least and in yours too perhaps, since I haven’t heard a defiant or smug peep in months and the silence is deafening, especially after they fought so hard to virtue signal to each other their trust in science and government made them superior humans.

They may or may not be literally dead or dying by their own hands, I’m unsure because I don’t see that, just as plainly as I didn’t see anyone dying of the coof. It’s demoralizing and embarrassing to own one’s gullibility, especially when the circumstances are dire, but these idiots, many our own flesh and blood, are wearing absolute clown shoes, and I don’t know how to further decleat them other than to continue existing as before
A failure to extract     (TheGunClub)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 1.7 years ago


In life, some things are inexpensive, some things are cheap, and some things are worth more than they command. An inexperienced eye cannot tell the difference betwixt the three and so defers to present and individual value.

I’ll save you the trouble and say that good cartridge brass lasts and is worth it to pay some small premium for reliability. Simply, upon detonation, it obturates, seals and is ejected in fractions of a second should everything operate as it should and sometimes…it doesn’t do any of that.

A rimless cartridge can shear at its rim, and let me warn that should you not have a plan nor a prayer in that moment, you are simply dead in the water.

It’s easy enough to remedy, if you know what you are doing, but slender cylindrical rods are not often found by happenstance in nature and if it’s dark and you need a second shot, it’s not going to happen.

Buy good brass. A lot of it. Because the sun is setting and one might not shoot enough to understand the necessity, but it is wise to acknowledge the present and individual value of appearing prepared.
Inspirational documentary      (m.imdb.com)

submitted by Battlefat to BasedMovies 2 years ago


I’m sure it’s being screened in Ukraine when the soldiers get some downtime
Commie gets its shoulders blown out on a Sunday, becomes a monster     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 2.1 years ago


Fireforming 7.62x39 to 6.5 Grendel is the limited hangout of the reloading world, but having already been necked down, the only thing left is to pop smoke
Spare the rod, spoil the child     (USPolitics)

submitted by Battlefat to USPolitics 2.3 years ago


If the rod is spared but then given to a spoiled child to wield, the result is the vast majority of the United States’ political class.

What then to solve for the initial failing — a rod taken to a child is promoted by some as discipline, but in nearly all cases, a rod taken to an adult is assault.

What then to solve for the initial failing when votes don’t matter, and the child becomes adept at the rod to punish adults and children alike?

If you have the patience, don’t spare the rod, lest it be taken from you by a person with no experience on *when to stop*
If an individual contracts and survives the flu, they are not a hero. If a family contracts and survives the flu, it isn’t a collective act of heroism     (COVIDisntReal)

submitted by Battlefat to COVIDisntReal 2.4 years ago


Staying home when sick and returning to society when well again is not something to be celebrated, but a normal part of life.

The game is over, the jig is up, self congratulatory posting regarding having survived flu is cringeworthy and acknowledging fear of boogeymen, even more so

Nigger tranny eeks and ooks, fags, spics, and jews rejoice     (archive.is)

submitted by Battlefat to USPolitics 2.4 years ago


Merry Christmas my good Lols     (Christmas)

submitted by Battlefat to Christmas 2.4 years ago


I don’t yet understand what *that* is, because I haven’t taken time to consider yet another moniker.

Despite my personal indifference to title, I still find meaning in any effort put forth here, for both the good and the bad, though it isn’t much effort towards the bad in a land full of echoes, say what you will, you are no deviant.

What are you, now, another year passed, but the determination to be heard and even more, exemplar of the will *to live*.

Make more of you, multiply, prosper and today I have no gift but requests — that you survive, that you seek yourself in others, and that you demand more of the people with whom you associate, even if they are a distasteful and meek lot.

No man is an island, they’ve said, I’ve said, and yet here we are an island unto ourselves, a distasteful island to be sure *for some* but it is our lot. I’m okay being in a minority of thought so far as I am infectious. And today I am a simple and humble servant for no one but my people.

A handful of Lols.

Whatever that means
I’ve never lost a dog…     (dogs)

submitted by Battlefat to dogs 2.5 years ago


…until today.

Admittedly, she was a replacement for another more well loved mongrel, but she was never neglected.

Everyone loved her and were concerned for her well being — until they got to know her. She appeared smart, and seemed outwardly loving, but truth is, she was more cunning than cute. In time, we recognized her as a benign parasite, often getting herself into trouble with indifference towards those who spent countless hours working on her comfort and well being.

But today, she crossed a line and claimed something for herself that was obviously *not* and for that she was summarily expelled, though only for the morning I’d hoped. When I returned to call her in, she was gone. For a brief moment, I was alarmed, but then placated, knowing she’d left willfully, and not because I’d done anything overtly condemning or violent.

In my mind, I’d imagined her journey — would she meet a swift end, a friendly companion, or perhaps a new and not so loving owner?

In all, the pondering was for nothing, because before I could complete my thoughts on her final outcome, she was gleefully returned, flea bitten and begging for scraps of beef medallions.

I think my dog is a jew
Nu-speak offends Spics     (archive.md)

submitted by Battlefat to Diversity 2.5 years ago


Nu-speak is jew speak
Eugene Stoner and Mikhail Kalashnikov, Part 1, Discussing the AR-15     (m.youtube.com)

submitted by Battlefat to TheGunClub 2.6 years ago


Two inventors discussing the motivation, insight and problems associated with the development of one of the most prolific small arms in modern history