FUN FACT #818 : Jews hate DNA. In recent years actual DNA analysis of Jews show that they are over 51% from Khazars far to the east, & 40% from just 350 people from 700 years ago in Flanders, and most of their own origin story is wrong.
This is a very sloppy FUN FACT, and avoids links to FST genetic core papers from the last 3 years, but...
These modern articles that LEAD TO DNA (both mother mcDNA and father Y-DNA) show that MOST of their DNA is east of Turkey :
Science papers by Archeologists show the Jews were ALMOST in Levant (Israel), but mostly about 350 miles to the east of egypt or further.
So a real bible thumper knows this factoid and is not phased by biblical paradoxes and errors, and it does not fluster them as much as you think. DNA in Jews shows that they are part ancient french region, part russian region, lots of turkish region, and due east of levant
DNA does not lie
You know who does lie?
**Jews. Jews lie, and their biggest lie is that slaves , not paid workers, built the pyramids, and the bigger lie, that jews were the slaves.**
I guess one thing is true and that is that of the many tribes of what became jews, some wandered in from various far far away regions. It makes you wonder why they got kicked out of so many various regions.
Jews hate DNA and archeology facts
It is a FACT they were not part of egyptian region history
Here is a lot of ancient jew maps by a nutty NON-scientist and NOT based on archeology and NOT based on DNA, but his page has the most migration maps :
In fact ISRAEL MADE DNA ILLEGAL to prove judaism percentages, in Israel, out of white hot rage against science facts.
**Ashkenazi Jews have more East Asian DNA than Whites:**
Both Ashkenazim and Sephardi have genes from all over, but lighter on Cro-Magnon (Caucasian European).
And though "asian DNA" made it eventually into all non african humans... it especially is in Ashkenazim from a very RECENT remixing genes
A genetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road: 2015 :
> Ashkenazi Jews supports an East Asian genetic contribution, likely from Chinese. Further evidence indicates that this connection can be attributed to a gene flow event that occurred less than 1.4 kilo-years ago (kya), which falls within the time frame of the Silk Road scenario and fits well with historical records and archaeological discoveries
Eastern Eurasian haplogroups N9a, A , M33c and M33c2 from asians into Ashkenazi
**In 2020 Jewish High Court now Allows DNA facts**
Jews have to give PERMISSION for you to test your DNA in Israel.
But Jews (not sephardic) are moslty east of Turkey, and some ancient France DNA added 700 years ago, and 3% ancient lavant (isreal)
**Ancient France/Flanders ?** Yes... the little bits of European DNA Ashkenazims have was in one paper shown to France epicenter. Minor bits up to 40%. It could be correlation from ENTERING region from Khazars and mating though.
Inbred heavily : All Ashkenazi Jewish are 30th level cousins from 700 years ago:
> the researchers determined that a population bottleneck of approximately **just 350 Ashkenazi Jewish individuals occurred in central Europe about 700 years ago**
Eastern Turkey is a fact : ancient lower teeth DNA core sampled DOES NOT LIE.
Jews Lie though. They keep lying for decades about them not being Khazars from east of Turkey... but archeology and DNA shows they are in-arguably from eastern Turkey.
**The DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey**
A different source, a jew essay using papers more than 10 years old, not a DNA biology paper, is trying very hard to hand wave and LIE about Khazers not being their MAIN ORIGIN!!!! :
*The Genetic Origins of Ashkenazi Jews*:
Jews keep hand waving and kvetching about not being Turkish but in 2021, large trusted DNA bioinformatic tools and large human DNA population source databases prove origins of all tribes of all people , not merely by Y-DNA, or mcDNA (mother), or even GENES ALONE!!!!
Seriously ! not even even GENES ALONE! How? The ARRANGEMENT ORDER of genes on a chromosome are used, as is "junk DNA" to track FST distance.
One thing that pisses off Jews far far more than calling them Khazars... is the cold harsh fact, backed up by ancient skeletal DNA... that they have almost no JUDEAN DNA!!!!!
Bwah hah hah hah hah!
WHY DO JEWS LIE? THE BIBLE! They want the myth of pyramids tied to them, irrationally.
The Israelites were never enslaved in Egypt and the Pharaohs were White.
The Old Testament was pieced together from different castes writings, which were pieced together from Sumerian mythology and Egyptian history.
The writing of the Old Testament was a propaganda tool to make the God of the Israelites seem more powerful than even the White pharoahs. Same tricks, thousands of years apart.
The New Testament came along and destroyed the credibility of the Old Testament by stating the obvious... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This idea is hated by the Israelites, both past and present as they believe in enslaving those not of their faith.
Everything muddies under the concept of Judeans, tribes, Israelites vs Jews , proto-pagan-Jews, etc.
TL/DR: Jews legally claimed a few times in federal court and SCOTUS rulings that Jews are not White and are a unique Race.
True. Only 1 in 5 customers were Black, but under 1% of the shoplifters were White.
I shopped there dozens of times, mainly for nice junk food not found in smaller in-city stores.
moon walk now delayed 3 years!!! Yesterday Nasa moved it to 2027 July
Worse, the commander, unnamed, will be a Black woman
Comically NASA released FAKE moon walk suits, all black color with orange trim. Thermally, NASA confirmed they will be white suits, never black. NASA got caught lying.
Grandpa was right, and Science on DNA and RNA now proves why he was right about sperm.
As said often before....
= = = = = = = = = =
FUN FACT #627 : Negro Semen affects brain tissues and unused egg cells. It enters females brains and deposits mystery DNA and RNA into a woman's brain.
**MUDSHARKS have altered DNA in Brains, scientifically proven**
A male's sperm can enter a recipient female (OR MALE!!!), tunneling through multicellular "same species" tissue gaps, as sperm has for a billion years, wandering around a organism leaving DNA and RNA and altering tissues, and proven in brain samples.
When most women have unprotected sex with black males, in brain tissues after long while, 1 in 4,830 cells is a new cell with Y DNA from the invading sperms duplicated progeny after breakdown. Source :
*"20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells" in 10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females - 1 in 4,830 cells replaced in brain and spinal column.* refer :
(No white blood cell protection in brain or spine ever to patrol brain invaders).
**SPERM DNA and SPERM RNA alters invaded humans for life!**
What happens if a White Women has unprotected sex with a Black man?
SHE is now part nigger, from three permanent long term effects, and even her FUTURE eggs to fertilize are nigger affected.
Technically, in 2022 science is astounded to now know that females are tainted by PAST DNA leaking across placenta barrier (Fetal microchimerism), and PAST SPERM DNA snippets, and far more shocking... THOUSANDS of mystery RNA strands in male primate sperm :
Is mother nature fucking kidding!? RNA sperm invasion AND also rarer whole cell DNA sperm invasion?
This sperm RNA (not DNA) wandering around her body from tyrone fucking her, can modify histone bodies on DNA of female and possibly even get to her egg cells! Get into spinal column, and brain too.
**Women May Carry the DNA of All Their Sexual Partners!**
This means curdled grey salty NIGGER JISM can infest a nordic white mudshark and alter her body, and alter all her future kids in mysterious subtle ways!
**Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history**:
Sperm lives only 8 days in a primate, but the haploid sperm DNA, which is not technically living, and is bioactive for thousands of years, and the RNA mystery large payload in every sperm cell, are thought to modify female bodies by altering and flipping proteins sitting on DNA strands, called "histone bodies" which allow the now shocking and newly discovered ...
**Epigenetic Data Inheritance!**
**OMG!!! read that wiki page!**
Its not shitting around. Animal life forms store and pass inherited traits not coded in DNA, and can pass it FOUR GENERATIONS DEEP!
The first discovery was a data switch to collect more calories, if parents grew up in starvation. Soon dozens more traits were found in animals that are hidden in histones attached as binary code on our DNA and passed into new offspring, typically two generations deep.
Telegony is now 100% real, and many reproduce-able research experiments prove Telegony exists in animals, cause by old broken down sperm injected into females.
Females with NO sons and in fact no embryos of any kind EVER, have DNA in their bodies and brains from Men's SPERM ALONE!!!!
10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females PROVEN to have male DNA in their bodies in large numbers of cells : sperm DNA up to 20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females from unprotected sex !: refer :
and 2012 other :
The weird mystery RNA fragments delivered by Negro sperm is only now first being mapped, to determine which RNA payloads express proteins and genes and what they might do in invaded primate tissues :
Why do sperm carry RNA? Relatedness, conflict, and control:
> "it has become apparent that sperm also carry thousands of different RNAs, and the functions of most of these are UNKNOWN"
2018 : The sperm factor: paternal impact beyond genes:
> the main non-genetic components found in sperm including DNA methylation, chromatin modifications, RNAs and proteins
2016 : *Epigenetic inheritance of acquired traits through sperm RNAs and sperm RNA modifications*:
> Sperm RNAs, in particular sperm microRNAs (miRNAs) and tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), can mediate intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired phenotypes [epigenetics]
2015 : *Semen has controlling power over female genes and behaviour*
> In many animals, seminal fluid alters both the bodies and sometimes even the behaviour of females
Revisiting telegony: Offspring inherit an acquired characteristic of their mother's previous mate:'s_previous_mate
Microchimerism of male origin in a cohort of Danish girls
Women Store DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Made Love With, Study Finds
paper- 2019 - Nongenetic paternal effects via seminal fluid:
> Our findings cast doubt on traditional breeding designs aimed at estimating the genetic effects of fathers on offspring, and challenge our views on the nature of inheritance.
I am not over-exaggerating. It might take years to reach every dormant egg cell, or days, but eventually RNA and DNA from decayed negro sperm (aka talking rape-ape jism) will alter the female. It might even somehow get into brain tissue and alter the way the mind works, similar to how many animal life forms can alter the frontal lobes of mammal brains, but typically these are things like **Toxoplasma gondii**, and **Ophiocordyceps unilateralis** and both get across blood brain barrier via total invasion, not surreptitious snippets of free floating proteins.
Worse, as I mentioned above with references,... fucking a nigger without a condom, INFESTS the purity of a female by retaining mystery nigger RNA and mystery nigger DNA and PROVABLE alterations to histones attached to her egg cell's genes even without any pregnancy ! :
A comic to help show the effect of a white man not wanting to ever marry coal burners in general :
**Summary of Niggerfication vectors :**
So there are FOUR sources of permanent niggerfication to the host mother :
- 1 > Her kids niglet DNA floating around her body years after she gives birth (Fetal microchimerism):
- 2 > All decomposed sex sperm fully intact DNA , free floating throughout body, from all black men she ever fucked
- 3 > All decomposed sex sperm fully intact RNA (mysterious unknown function), free floating throughout body, from every black men she ever fucked without a condom
- 4 > Histone bodies upon her stored egg cells DNA now NIGGERFIED via Epigenetic Data Inheritance from the above three sources. HER WOMB POLLUTED even if she tries to have a white kid!!!
If a male there is a 5th way to be niggerfied :
- 5 > Accepting bone marrow (stem cells), or a man getting fucked by a Black man without a condom. The black DNA travels through recipients body, as proven in 2020 "Chris Long" case.
Normally Chimera is absorbed fraternal twin tissue, not sex with a black man :
Chimera male testicle :
Chimera Female:
Chimera Female scary ovary that allowed the courts to legally seize and almost take THREE CHILDREN she gave birth to but had NO DNA FROM MOTHER **(Lydia Fairchild)**!!! DNA was from a tumor of absorbed chimera in a ovary!!!!!! From goddamn sci fi movie? NO, from legal reality :
Both of those (male and female cases) made chimera zygotes!
A third way to get **male sperm chimera production**, overriding nearly ALL your DNA, after chemo kills most of your testicles prior :
HOLY SHIT! Poor Chris Long! Sperm with another man's DNA swam to his brain from his "new" testicles. His own sperm with another man's DNA, got copied and swam deep into his brain!
**devil's advocate** : broken down "dead" negro sperm "cells" in a female found in a brain slice 35 years after fucking a black man (or white, but I am motivated by hatred of subspecies), might merely be entombed in CALCIFIED barrier shell by host female... semi inert. I dont believe it, but its POSSIBLE the 1 in 4,800 male Y DNA cells found in elderly females deep tissues who never got pregnant and never had a pregnancy scare, MIGHT, MIGHT be encapsulated with a shell of calcium, blocked from interacting with females body, after tagged by immune system and surrounded by white blood cells triggering the calcification. NO WHITE BLOOD CELLS EXIST IN HUMAN BRAINS OR SPINAL COLUMNS allowing negro sperm to live and duplicated until a woman dies of old age. I do not believe invasive sperm is calcified outside a brain, but I mention it in case I am wrong 15 years from now when they spot the cells whole in situ. They just blend tissue and lyse cells and do Y chromosome counts currently using SRY detectors on the bio-slurry atop pre-prepared solid state peptide-probe bio assay chips (DNA microarray). Manual non-slurry in situ count can be made using high-resolution karyotyping via partner tool :
The most secretly covered up topic in modern science is the fact that unprotected SEX with subspecies such as other hominids (Negros) alters a woman in multiple ways : Brain Tissue, Her ovaries dormant eggs, and her body, via proven studies of DNA and RNA from sperm years earlier.
TL/DR: Don't marry coalburners, their eggs are destroyed. **Beware bone marrow donors, and Never have sex with Black men or 1 in 4,830 cells replaced in brain and spinal column (proven)** or epigenetic alteration of eggs and sperm of recipient!
FUN FACT #471 : JEWS use "approachable less-threatening negro males" to further their Leftist agenda to brainwash White youths.
mixed race ads : 13% of the population is in 70% to 80% of TV ads, created by (((1.7%))) of US population.
**Print and TV commercials by Jews ? : LOOK! :**
All 100% of those (((TV))) commercials depict "approachable less-threatening negro males"
A comic on topic of (((media))) :
VERY GOOD long video :
*The War On Whites In Advertising : long data essay :*
The (((Music industry))) goes after 14 year old teen girls too :
TV vs reality :
I left over 3 years ago, forming much of ConPro userbase in 90 days!!!
But downvote abuse by Feds and Jews keep me from spending more than 10% focus on
I had not yet done my periodic tests of new funny memes on in months, to see if Jews and Feds still downvote funny racist new memes -12 or as many needed downvotes to hide from the front page.
**My last attempt to test paid shill downvoters ruining the site WAS RIGHT BEFORE I HEARD A NEWER DOWNVOTE LIMITER was finally added to stop abuses by Jews and DHS (antiLiberalSociety)**
I probably should try to help out voat
I probably also should return to ConsumeProduct, after 5 month semi-boycott ,its down 80% of users without me :
disgusting admin.
= = = = = = =
This site could be rapidly rebuilt with a few returning builders posting fresh racist humor memes, and /funny given double the front page slots
Its not just Jew shills ( ) , Even new funny anti-Cop humor slammed by glowies :
TL/DR: Currently the Jews and Fed glowniggers totally chased off the more cerebral users of this site. The biggest builders, like me, fled to 7 other sites.
I cannot thank you enough.
I was unaware of the rock video.
I own EVERY vinyl possible of The Stranglers.
I used to be asked by punk girls TO GIVE THEM WHITEWALLS over their ears, JUST LIKE scenes in this video. I used shaving cream and razor for final stage. My first college girl kept showing off and sending other punk girls to my dorm room. I probably was blasting The Exploited while I gave some WHITEWALLS.
Maybe so, but the following real details are novel to this thread and WORKING download links...
**HE WAS ARRESTED, then his COMPROMISED REMAINING TEAM deleted the new Telegram-based Wikileaks for Israel's MOSSAD to hide 'Pegasus' 2024 iPhone exploits coverup and mil-tech!!!!**
> Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'
Magnet: Link
= = =
Torrent: Link
**Nearly 200,000 files from Israel's Ministry of Defense, including tens of thousands of documents, emails and images. The data includes communications, financial/purchase information, and technical information**
The data was allegedly taken in early 2024, but appears to come from early 2023. The hackers identified as "Anonymous For Justice," a relatively new handle, while some of their numerous accounts date back about a decade and show obvious signs of having been renamed and repurposed. Anonymous For Justice has written in Farsi and English. A group using the same name called journalists in Israel in what was described as "broken Hebrew".
oursenilepresident 6 points 1 month ago*
X shadowbans major Jew namers in 2024
Gab shadowbans major Jew namers in 2024
even and 4Chan delete many of my best Jew-mocking memes
bitchute? Jew controlled
rumble? Deletes to appease ADL
**Jews control nearly everything**
INTERNET RADIO for White racists exists, now and then, until targetted by Jews and Feds.
I wont do Feds homework here
**try things like ...**
etc, etc, dozens more
= = = = =
Its **The Tlolocaust Podcast** by our @Big_Fat_Dangus
= = = =
/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=676059eb55a85
oursenilepresident 2 points 1 month ago
**HERE is copy**. Many confirmed it answered that way that day.
/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=6760095693d9a
oursenilepresident 4 points 1 month ago
**HERE is copy**. Many confirmed it answered that way that day.
Many similar Jew-protecting baked in preferences.
/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=6760095693d9a
oursenilepresident 4 points 1 month ago
FUN FACT #818 : Jews hate DNA. In recent years actual DNA analysis of Jews show that they are over 51% from Khazars far to the east, & 40% from just 350 people from 700 years ago in Flanders, and most of their own origin story is wrong.
This is a very sloppy FUN FACT, and avoids links to FST genetic core papers from the last 3 years, but...
These modern articles that LEAD TO DNA (both mother mcDNA and father Y-DNA) show that MOST of their DNA is east of Turkey :
Science papers by Archeologists show the Jews were ALMOST in Levant (Israel), but mostly about 350 miles to the east of egypt or further.
So a real bible thumper knows this factoid and is not phased by biblical paradoxes and errors, and it does not fluster them as much as you think. DNA in Jews shows that they are part ancient french region, part russian region, lots of turkish region, and due east of levant
DNA does not lie
You know who does lie?
**Jews. Jews lie, and their biggest lie is that slaves , not paid workers, built the pyramids, and the bigger lie, that jews were the slaves.**
I guess one thing is true and that is that of the many tribes of what became jews, some wandered in from various far far away regions. It makes you wonder why they got kicked out of so many various regions.
Jews hate DNA and archeology facts
It is a FACT they were not part of egyptian region history
Here is a lot of ancient jew maps by a nutty NON-scientist and NOT based on archeology and NOT based on DNA, but his page has the most migration maps :
But one map shows KHAZARS and now we know DNA proves many Jews came from KHAZARS :
**Jews are partly Khazars**
Jews hate hate hate layperson pages like that, but also hate the DNA papers they are founded upon.
But Jew scientists doing DNA (extensive DNA) also hate khazar admixture. Here is a large paper on Jew DNA focusing only on Jews in 1000BC and now :
In fact ISRAEL MADE DNA ILLEGAL to prove judaism percentages, in Israel, out of white hot rage against science facts.
**Ashkenazi Jews have more East Asian DNA than Whites:**
Both Ashkenazim and Sephardi have genes from all over, but lighter on Cro-Magnon (Caucasian European).
And though "asian DNA" made it eventually into all non african humans... it especially is in Ashkenazim from a very RECENT remixing genes
A genetic contribution from the Far East into Ashkenazi Jews via the ancient Silk Road: 2015 :
> Ashkenazi Jews supports an East Asian genetic contribution, likely from Chinese. Further evidence indicates that this connection can be attributed to a gene flow event that occurred less than 1.4 kilo-years ago (kya), which falls within the time frame of the Silk Road scenario and fits well with historical records and archaeological discoveries
Eastern Eurasian haplogroups N9a, A , M33c and M33c2 from asians into Ashkenazi
**In 2020 Jewish High Court now Allows DNA facts**
Jews have to give PERMISSION for you to test your DNA in Israel.
But Jews (not sephardic) are moslty east of Turkey, and some ancient France DNA added 700 years ago, and 3% ancient lavant (isreal)
**Ancient France/Flanders ?** Yes... the little bits of European DNA Ashkenazims have was in one paper shown to France epicenter. Minor bits up to 40%. It could be correlation from ENTERING region from Khazars and mating though.
Inbred heavily : All Ashkenazi Jewish are 30th level cousins from 700 years ago:
> the researchers determined that a population bottleneck of approximately **just 350 Ashkenazi Jewish individuals occurred in central Europe about 700 years ago**
Eastern Turkey is a fact : ancient lower teeth DNA core sampled DOES NOT LIE.
Jews Lie though. They keep lying for decades about them not being Khazars from east of Turkey... but archeology and DNA shows they are in-arguably from eastern Turkey.
**The DNA of Ashkenazic Jews can be traced to “Ancient Ashkenaz” – an intersection of trade routes in eastern Turkey**
A different source, a jew essay using papers more than 10 years old, not a DNA biology paper, is trying very hard to hand wave and LIE about Khazers not being their MAIN ORIGIN!!!! :
*The Genetic Origins of Ashkenazi Jews*:
Jews keep hand waving and kvetching about not being Turkish but in 2021, large trusted DNA bioinformatic tools and large human DNA population source databases prove origins of all tribes of all people , not merely by Y-DNA, or mcDNA (mother), or even GENES ALONE!!!!
Seriously ! not even even GENES ALONE! How? The ARRANGEMENT ORDER of genes on a chromosome are used, as is "junk DNA" to track FST distance.
One thing that pisses off Jews far far more than calling them Khazars... is the cold harsh fact, backed up by ancient skeletal DNA... that they have almost no JUDEAN DNA!!!!!
Bwah hah hah hah hah!
WHY DO JEWS LIE? THE BIBLE! They want the myth of pyramids tied to them, irrationally.
The Israelites were never enslaved in Egypt and the Pharaohs were White.
The Old Testament was pieced together from different castes writings, which were pieced together from Sumerian mythology and Egyptian history.
The writing of the Old Testament was a propaganda tool to make the God of the Israelites seem more powerful than even the White pharoahs. Same tricks, thousands of years apart.
The New Testament came along and destroyed the credibility of the Old Testament by stating the obvious... "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This idea is hated by the Israelites, both past and present as they believe in enslaving those not of their faith.
Everything muddies under the concept of Judeans, tribes, Israelites vs Jews , proto-pagan-Jews, etc.
TL/DR: Jews legally claimed a few times in federal court and SCOTUS rulings that Jews are not White and are a unique Race.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=675f905ee944b
oursenilepresident 2 points 1 month ago
true. paid shills ruined the site.
I archived him here :
**save. share.**
5% chance this is an AI audio 4chan re-edit. 5%
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6759f040c3b46
oursenilepresident 2 points 1 month ago
True. Only 1 in 5 customers were Black, but under 1% of the shoplifters were White.
I shopped there dozens of times, mainly for nice junk food not found in smaller in-city stores.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6759c1a515d5f
oursenilepresident -1 points 1 month ago
I read that in the Sigma meme American Psycho voice!!!
> *OK, Let's see Paul Allen's card...*
What a hussy
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6759cbaec35f7
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
moon walk now delayed 3 years!!! Yesterday Nasa moved it to 2027 July
Worse, the commander, unnamed, will be a Black woman
Comically NASA released FAKE moon walk suits, all black color with orange trim. Thermally, NASA confirmed they will be white suits, never black. NASA got caught lying.
/v/themoreyouknow viewpost?postid=6753aea50ef0b
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
They designated him A SENATOR now!!!
you were right
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=67538e07b5184
oursenilepresident 3 points 1 month ago
**Every Jew needs to be shoved into an oven, no exceptions** (AI) (catbox censored in Oct 2022?) (catbox censored early Oct 2022) (AI) (AI) (AI) (AI)
= = = = =
Jew hunting !:
======== (not mine) (not mine)
most of those memes I made myself.
Hello to
Sue me, Jews!
/v/HebraicHijinksandSheenyShenanigans viewpost?postid=67537c2ad074a
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
A messy private rotunda Erik Kessels would love
/v/tellupgoat_based_edition viewpost?postid=67436cc8ddda6
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
one of your laziest.
old video out of context.
/v/funny viewpost?postid=67436a88399aa
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
Everyberg Singlestein Timeowitz
/v/jewsShowThemselves viewpost?postid=6740c325e8035
oursenilepresident 0 points 1 month ago
anecdotes are not science.
People born mentally retarded DROPPED over 500 percent, coinciding with misusing term "autistic" euphemism
/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=673cc7328d70a
oursenilepresident 1 point 1 month ago
Grandpa was right, and Science on DNA and RNA now proves why he was right about sperm.
As said often before....
= = = = = = = = = =
FUN FACT #627 : Negro Semen affects brain tissues and unused egg cells. It enters females brains and deposits mystery DNA and RNA into a woman's brain.
**MUDSHARKS have altered DNA in Brains, scientifically proven**
A male's sperm can enter a recipient female (OR MALE!!!), tunneling through multicellular "same species" tissue gaps, as sperm has for a billion years, wandering around a organism leaving DNA and RNA and altering tissues, and proven in brain samples.
When most women have unprotected sex with black males, in brain tissues after long while, 1 in 4,830 cells is a new cell with Y DNA from the invading sperms duplicated progeny after breakdown. Source :
*"20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells" in 10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females - 1 in 4,830 cells replaced in brain and spinal column.* refer :
(No white blood cell protection in brain or spine ever to patrol brain invaders).
**SPERM DNA and SPERM RNA alters invaded humans for life!**
What happens if a White Women has unprotected sex with a Black man?
SHE is now part nigger, from three permanent long term effects, and even her FUTURE eggs to fertilize are nigger affected.
Technically, in 2022 science is astounded to now know that females are tainted by PAST DNA leaking across placenta barrier (Fetal microchimerism), and PAST SPERM DNA snippets, and far more shocking... THOUSANDS of mystery RNA strands in male primate sperm :
and paper info with citations :
Is mother nature fucking kidding!? RNA sperm invasion AND also rarer whole cell DNA sperm invasion?
This sperm RNA (not DNA) wandering around her body from tyrone fucking her, can modify histone bodies on DNA of female and possibly even get to her egg cells! Get into spinal column, and brain too.
**Women May Carry the DNA of All Their Sexual Partners!**
This means curdled grey salty NIGGER JISM can infest a nordic white mudshark and alter her body, and alter all her future kids in mysterious subtle ways!
**Male microchimerism in women without sons: quantitative assessment and correlation with pregnancy history**:
Sperm lives only 8 days in a primate, but the haploid sperm DNA, which is not technically living, and is bioactive for thousands of years, and the RNA mystery large payload in every sperm cell, are thought to modify female bodies by altering and flipping proteins sitting on DNA strands, called "histone bodies" which allow the now shocking and newly discovered ...
**Epigenetic Data Inheritance!**
**OMG!!! read that wiki page!**
Its not shitting around. Animal life forms store and pass inherited traits not coded in DNA, and can pass it FOUR GENERATIONS DEEP!
The first discovery was a data switch to collect more calories, if parents grew up in starvation. Soon dozens more traits were found in animals that are hidden in histones attached as binary code on our DNA and passed into new offspring, typically two generations deep.
Telegony is now 100% real, and many reproduce-able research experiments prove Telegony exists in animals, cause by old broken down sperm injected into females.
Females with NO sons and in fact no embryos of any kind EVER, have DNA in their bodies and brains from Men's SPERM ALONE!!!!
10% of nulligravid (never pregnant) females PROVEN to have male DNA in their bodies in large numbers of cells : sperm DNA up to 20.7 male cells per 100,000 female cells in never-pregnant females from unprotected sex !: refer :
and 2012 other :
The weird mystery RNA fragments delivered by Negro sperm is only now first being mapped, to determine which RNA payloads express proteins and genes and what they might do in invaded primate tissues :
Why do sperm carry RNA? Relatedness, conflict, and control:
> "it has become apparent that sperm also carry thousands of different RNAs, and the functions of most of these are UNKNOWN"
2018 : The sperm factor: paternal impact beyond genes:
> the main non-genetic components found in sperm including DNA methylation, chromatin modifications, RNAs and proteins
2016 : *Epigenetic inheritance of acquired traits through sperm RNAs and sperm RNA modifications*:
> Sperm RNAs, in particular sperm microRNAs (miRNAs) and tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs), can mediate intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired phenotypes [epigenetics]
2015 : *Semen has controlling power over female genes and behaviour*
> In many animals, seminal fluid alters both the bodies and sometimes even the behaviour of females
Revisiting telegony: Offspring inherit an acquired characteristic of their mother's previous mate:'s_previous_mate
Microchimerism of male origin in a cohort of Danish girls
Women Store DNA From Every Man They’ve Ever Made Love With, Study Finds
paper- 2019 - Nongenetic paternal effects via seminal fluid:
> Our findings cast doubt on traditional breeding designs aimed at estimating the genetic effects of fathers on offspring, and challenge our views on the nature of inheritance.
= = = = = = =
I am not over-exaggerating. It might take years to reach every dormant egg cell, or days, but eventually RNA and DNA from decayed negro sperm (aka talking rape-ape jism) will alter the female. It might even somehow get into brain tissue and alter the way the mind works, similar to how many animal life forms can alter the frontal lobes of mammal brains, but typically these are things like **Toxoplasma gondii**, and **Ophiocordyceps unilateralis** and both get across blood brain barrier via total invasion, not surreptitious snippets of free floating proteins.
Worse, as I mentioned above with references,... fucking a nigger without a condom, INFESTS the purity of a female by retaining mystery nigger RNA and mystery nigger DNA and PROVABLE alterations to histones attached to her egg cell's genes even without any pregnancy ! :
DNA From Sperm Of Ex Partners Lingers In Female Flies And Influences The Genetics Of Her Offspring
A comic to help show the effect of a white man not wanting to ever marry coal burners in general :
**Summary of Niggerfication vectors :**
So there are FOUR sources of permanent niggerfication to the host mother :
- 1 > Her kids niglet DNA floating around her body years after she gives birth (Fetal microchimerism):
- 2 > All decomposed sex sperm fully intact DNA , free floating throughout body, from all black men she ever fucked
- 3 > All decomposed sex sperm fully intact RNA (mysterious unknown function), free floating throughout body, from every black men she ever fucked without a condom
- 4 > Histone bodies upon her stored egg cells DNA now NIGGERFIED via Epigenetic Data Inheritance from the above three sources. HER WOMB POLLUTED even if she tries to have a white kid!!!
If a male there is a 5th way to be niggerfied :
- 5 > Accepting bone marrow (stem cells), or a man getting fucked by a Black man without a condom. The black DNA travels through recipients body, as proven in 2020 "Chris Long" case.
Normally Chimera is absorbed fraternal twin tissue, not sex with a black man :
Chimera male testicle :
Chimera Female:
Chimera Female scary ovary that allowed the courts to legally seize and almost take THREE CHILDREN she gave birth to but had NO DNA FROM MOTHER **(Lydia Fairchild)**!!! DNA was from a tumor of absorbed chimera in a ovary!!!!!! From goddamn sci fi movie? NO, from legal reality :
Both of those (male and female cases) made chimera zygotes!
A third way to get **male sperm chimera production**, overriding nearly ALL your DNA, after chemo kills most of your testicles prior :
HOLY SHIT! Poor Chris Long! Sperm with another man's DNA swam to his brain from his "new" testicles. His own sperm with another man's DNA, got copied and swam deep into his brain!
**devil's advocate** : broken down "dead" negro sperm "cells" in a female found in a brain slice 35 years after fucking a black man (or white, but I am motivated by hatred of subspecies), might merely be entombed in CALCIFIED barrier shell by host female... semi inert. I dont believe it, but its POSSIBLE the 1 in 4,800 male Y DNA cells found in elderly females deep tissues who never got pregnant and never had a pregnancy scare, MIGHT, MIGHT be encapsulated with a shell of calcium, blocked from interacting with females body, after tagged by immune system and surrounded by white blood cells triggering the calcification. NO WHITE BLOOD CELLS EXIST IN HUMAN BRAINS OR SPINAL COLUMNS allowing negro sperm to live and duplicated until a woman dies of old age. I do not believe invasive sperm is calcified outside a brain, but I mention it in case I am wrong 15 years from now when they spot the cells whole in situ. They just blend tissue and lyse cells and do Y chromosome counts currently using SRY detectors on the bio-slurry atop pre-prepared solid state peptide-probe bio assay chips (DNA microarray). Manual non-slurry in situ count can be made using high-resolution karyotyping via partner tool :
The most secretly covered up topic in modern science is the fact that unprotected SEX with subspecies such as other hominids (Negros) alters a woman in multiple ways : Brain Tissue, Her ovaries dormant eggs, and her body, via proven studies of DNA and RNA from sperm years earlier.
TL/DR: Don't marry coalburners, their eggs are destroyed. **Beware bone marrow donors, and Never have sex with Black men or 1 in 4,830 cells replaced in brain and spinal column (proven)** or epigenetic alteration of eggs and sperm of recipient!
/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=673bfb26a32ed
oursenilepresident -7 points 1 month ago
People born mentally retarded DROPPED over 500 percent, coinciding with misusing term "autistic" euphemism
No parent likes the word "retarded".
RFK is mostly wrong.
/v/QuotesToWakeWhites viewpost?postid=673cc7328d70a
oursenilepresident 5 points 1 month ago
FUN FACT #471 : JEWS use "approachable less-threatening negro males" to further their Leftist agenda to brainwash White youths.
mixed race ads : 13% of the population is in 70% to 80% of TV ads, created by (((1.7%))) of US population.
**Print and TV commercials by Jews ? : LOOK! :**
All 100% of those (((TV))) commercials depict "approachable less-threatening negro males"
A comic on topic of (((media))) :
VERY GOOD long video :
*The War On Whites In Advertising : long data essay :*
The (((Music industry))) goes after 14 year old teen girls too :
TV vs reality :
/v/Retarded viewpost?postid=673cca4227a90
oursenilepresident 0 points 3 months ago
> * He's tryna poop.*
One eye remaining, and in pain. It needs surgical intervention to avoid infection.
In Orlando Sea World, when tossing fish to sea lions ($$$), or bears, you can see most are blind in one eye from deliberate jealous bird strikes!!!
half your tossed fish are intercepted mid flight inches from sea lions mouth by crafty jealous birds
**The birds in these zoos OFTEN PECK OUT EYES**
/v/AnimalsBeingBros viewpost?postid=6705400b622d8
oursenilepresident 0 points 3 months ago*
> I miss old VOAT so much.
I miss old voat and 2021 "new" more than anyone on this site.
I often warned @system of numerous coding changes to curtail downvote abuse, to stop paid shill disenchantment.
I left over 3 years ago, forming much of ConPro userbase in 90 days!!!
But downvote abuse by Feds and Jews keep me from spending more than 10% focus on
I had not yet done my periodic tests of new funny memes on in months, to see if Jews and Feds still downvote funny racist new memes -12 or as many needed downvotes to hide from the front page.
**My last attempt to test paid shill downvoters ruining the site WAS RIGHT BEFORE I HEARD A NEWER DOWNVOTE LIMITER was finally added to stop abuses by Jews and DHS (antiLiberalSociety)**
I probably should try to help out voat
I probably also should return to ConsumeProduct, after 5 month semi-boycott ,its down 80% of users without me :
disgusting admin.
= = = = = = =
This site could be rapidly rebuilt with a few returning builders posting fresh racist humor memes, and /funny given double the front page slots
Its not just Jew shills ( ) , Even new funny anti-Cop humor slammed by glowies :
-12 ?!??!!? -12 ????!?!?!?
TL/DR: Currently the Jews and Fed glowniggers totally chased off the more cerebral users of this site. The biggest builders, like me, fled to 7 other sites.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66c528e30652f
oursenilepresident 1 point 3 months ago
I cannot thank you enough.
I was unaware of the rock video.
I own EVERY vinyl possible of The Stranglers.
I used to be asked by punk girls TO GIVE THEM WHITEWALLS over their ears, JUST LIKE scenes in this video. I used shaving cream and razor for final stage. My first college girl kept showing off and sending other punk girls to my dorm room. I probably was blasting The Exploited while I gave some WHITEWALLS.
I remember so vividly.
I cannot thank you enough.
/v/SmedleysPorch viewpost?postid=6701d3b3486ca
oursenilepresident 4 points 4 months ago
**MY computer desks** : multiple burner cell data phones :
flight tracking black-ops and masked flights is fun.
/v/gaming viewpost?postid=66eaf57c2054e
oursenilepresident 2 points 4 months ago
Biden moved in some HAITIANS near by?
hope your birdy was not shot and eaten by wakandans
/v/AnimalsBeingBros viewpost?postid=66eaf77c3934c
oursenilepresident 1 point 4 months ago
yes. In hospitals.
Physicians in hospitals, including across USA, MUST use pagers, not cell phones.
/v/WatchPeopleDie viewpost?postid=66ea46308267e
oursenilepresident 2 points 4 months ago
**I like making and spreading funny illegal alien boat invader AI memes:** (hidden picture, squint eyes) (hidden picture, squint eyes)
not all are mine
/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66cd330545282
oursenilepresident 2 points 4 months ago
Maybe so, but the following real details are novel to this thread and WORKING download links...
**HE WAS ARRESTED, then his COMPROMISED REMAINING TEAM deleted the new Telegram-based Wikileaks for Israel's MOSSAD to hide 'Pegasus' 2024 iPhone exploits coverup and mil-tech!!!!**
> Telegram channel of DDoSecrets shut down shortly after publication of Israeli ministry of justice 'leak'
very risky , even on Tor or 99% of VPNS :
Israel Ministry of Defense
Published on 2024-07-29
Article Details
Source: Anonymous For Justice
Country: Israel
Type: Cyberwar, Hack
Download Size: 38.00 GB
= = = =
Magnet: Link
= = =
Torrent: Link
**Nearly 200,000 files from Israel's Ministry of Defense, including tens of thousands of documents, emails and images. The data includes communications, financial/purchase information, and technical information**
The data was allegedly taken in early 2024, but appears to come from early 2023. The hackers identified as "Anonymous For Justice," a relatively new handle, while some of their numerous accounts date back about a decade and show obvious signs of having been renamed and repurposed. Anonymous For Justice has written in Farsi and English. A group using the same name called journalists in Israel in what was described as "broken Hebrew".
/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66cd1890ed055