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Member for: 3.6 years

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Have I said how much I hate niggers?     (Niggers)

submitted by recon_johnny to Niggers 1 month ago


Finishing up at the gym this am—about 7 for you fucks. Riding the bike after weights. Treadmills are behind the bikes. Listening to some music, all of a sudden this overwhelming smell of someone who just finishing hotboxing in the car comes over me. Who the fuck gets stoned before exercising?

Didn’t have to ask, I knew the answer. But it’s a middle-aged nigger, which surprised me. Holy fuck. I move to the end, can’t smell or see it, finish up the ride.

Also surprising is a nigger in general, I live in vast majority White area.

Anyways, fuck niggers and the jews that brought them here.
Faggot Billy Beane Dead at 60     (Sports)

submitted by recon_johnny to Sports 2 months ago


MLB is gushing over how this faggot “was everything inclusive”, as the rump ranger was its DIE vp or whatever the fuck it was.

Funny how in that movie about the pillow biter, he was shown to be a hard-luck divorced dad and attentive father, was portrayed by the actor all the women wanted to fuck, was loyal and smart….but never did the propaganda bullshit show him wanting to suck a dick or patrol for young boys. Odd, that.

So, he either died of the shot or the aids. Either way, one less faggot, so I’m not unhappy.

Hey Looky Here, Boys     (communities.win)

submitted by recon_johnny to Mildlyinteresting 6 months ago


Where da White women at?

Browsing the .win, found the old pic. Now, this is where the Q folks from QRV, mostly, have gone.

‘Member when they tried to “take over Voat as their own”, and kick us all out? From an anon sub? Doing vote-harvesting? From anon sub?

I certainly do….
Kiked Children’s Books      (books)

submitted by recon_johnny to books 10 months ago


Had the granddaughter this weekend, read her stories at night. Seems that there’s some weirdly described themes in some of these newer books.

One of those was this little number called Kitty Corn, about a kitten trying to be a unicorn. For reference:


In it, this little cat made a paper horn and tried to present herself to her friends as a unicorn. Those two friends told her she would never be one. She just wasn’t a unicorn. Lo and behold a real unicorn showed up, and the little cat saw the differences between her and it. She realized she could never be a unicorn, no matter what she did. However in an odd twist, the unicorn told her that she always wanted to be a kitten, and with the kitten, wanting to be a unicorn, ergo, kitty – corn. it ends with the two of them laying together and their shadows blending so you couldn’t tell either one apart.

One of the lines repeated several times was: “I see you”. Not sure what that is, but seem to be important enough to say, over and over.

Checked out the author she’s not a jew, oddly enough. Has a couple other books that don’t seem to be along the same lines, but I haven’t looked into everything. I had to interrupt the story to tell the granddaughter that the kitten was just pretending. Because she clearly couldn’t be a real unicorn. No matter what she did she couldn’t be a real unicorn.

Needless to say, that book is now off the list of nighttime stories.
At Gym, About Done     (GoatFitnessClub)

submitted by recon_johnny to GoatFitnessClub 11 months ago


Routine is sometimes morning, but have made a regular of evening. Started with 3 day split: Chest, Back, Traps. Then Shoulders, Arms. Last day is Legs and Abs.

Every day has 30-60 mins bike.

But…my joints hurt like hell, so I’m at a 4 day. Still do cardio, but maybe 30-45.

Is shitty getting old.
Why Does Gov't And It's Lackeys Oppress You So Much More Than Before?     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 1.1 years ago


Because of their constant and endless need to attain power. Over you.

O’Brien: "The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men." "How does one man assert his power over another Winston?"

Winston: "By making him suffer."

O'Brien: "Power is inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing."

"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."
At The Gym     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 1.1 years ago


Finishing leg day with some cardio bike…loosens it up, so good for me.

Noticed something that gave me a laugh:


Heart Rate—109
Name Three Things A Nigger Can’t Get     (niggerJokes)

submitted by recon_johnny to niggerJokes 1.4 years ago


1. A fat lip
2. A black eye
3. A job
Nigger At The Gym     (Niggers)

submitted by recon_johnny to Niggers 1.5 years ago


Walking in, nigger was walking out. Had my head down, replying to work email…out of my peripheral, I noticed the nigger was wearing a black shirt, had some multi colored wording. Thought, that’s coincidentally like the african bullshit the nogs will wear….

Now, I live in an overwhelmingly White area. Maybe 3% nigger, last I checked the demographics data.

Also, I’ll always hold the door, or kick it more open, doesn’t matter man or woman. Stopped myself due to my initial reading.

And of fucking course, this motherfucking nigger’s shirt had the wording “black lives matter…more than White tears”. And other shit, I didn’t bother to check.

Shook my head, made some audible “what the fuck bullshit” and kept on. Don’t know, and doubt, it or anyone else heard me.

Thing is, this place, there’s no fucking way that nigger has been oppressed (but it fucking should) or had anything other than been treated like any other White person. Too many people here sometimes fall over themselves trying to prove they’re not racist. That last part is the sad part. They don’t know the nature of the nigger. I am but one man.

First time in the five years going here that I’ve seen this. We’ll see if it repeats.
The Nigger Fatigue Is At An All Time High     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 1.5 years ago


It's Nigger Exhaustion at this point. Was stupid enough to see a #blacks post, perused twitter to see some examples, and Jesus Fucking Christ....

Even though I don't have an account, I saw enough fucking bullshit to just demoralize me for a bit. The lack of accountability, the misrepresentation and excuses given by just fucking everybody, the horrific crimes committed...all of it just wore my ass down for awhile. Reminding myself that this is the point of these examples put it in perspective, but in the back my mind a few things remain.

Never again will I consider, however brief, that there's a "few good ones"--niggers are niggers, and we'd best never forget that. I never want to associate or be in any place where niggers are. If I have to be served by a nigger in a restaurant, I'm leaving. If I have to be served in line by a nigger, I'll move to another line, no matter how long that one is. If there are no other options, and I mean none, then I'll endure, making the interaction with the nigger as quick as possible. I won't small-talk, engage, be friendly, or otherwise promote anything other than avoidance with niggers. My head will always be on a swivel, looking for the feral nigger, and dealing with it with extreme prejudice if anything was to occur.

And I'll sure as fuck be sure that my family knows and does the same. I have to head to Tennessee shortly, so this will be put into place and tested.

I hate niggers. Almost as much as the jew for pushing them on me.
Hey @System. What's it going to take to remove the obvious bot?     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 1.6 years ago



What's the policy, I haven't seen one. Clearly the Patriot bullshit user account is strictly bot responses to *anything*. And yet, people still respond, but I digress.

Seriously, while comical, it's ridiculous. Thoughts on removing, if not, why not?
I wonder if these faggots realize there is no political solution...?     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 1.9 years ago


Do they get that one can't vote their way out of this problem, yet?

Will they resolve to "vote harder"? Or "show up next time"? Do they buy the absolute bullshit that 20-30 year olds showed in up droves to "protect liberty"?

Jesus Fucking Christ; Pennsylvania "voted" an actual brain damaged retard in to "represent" them as Senator.

If they can't get it through their heads` after PedoBiden, I don't think they will ever get it. And we should stop trying to convince them.
Twitter Experiment     (MeanwhileOnTwitter)

submitted by recon_johnny to MeanwhileOnTwitter 1.9 years ago


Started Nov 1. 95 tweets. Suspended permanently today.

Wonder what it was.

The two times I said "nigger"--hard r? The one George Lincoln Rockwell video I shared? The 90 other anti-jew tweets?

We will never know.
Doing work, wife turned baseball on in the background. The miscegenation in the commercials is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous.     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 2.0 years ago


Was doing paperwork and employee reviews, not really paying attention. Haven't followed any nigger and jew controlled "sporting event" for years, for the better.

Anyways, noticed on every fucking break, always a nigger buck and an attractive White woman. Usually more than one advertiser. Sometimes, on the rare occasion, you'd see a White man with some slant; but those fucking jew advertisers gotta push for White women and niggers. You'd see single mothers, and I still haven't seen a responsible White father yet.

Always the attack on the family, and especially on White people.

Sky King     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 2.2 years ago


A day late, but here it is.
Niggers as Customer Service     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 2.2 years ago


If there's one thing I've learned rather quickly, it's that niggers don't fit in our society; especially in places where they need to serve others.

Be that food preparation, medical staff, or simple customer service reps that have the responsibility of taking care of other people's problems; they are inferior animals not capable of empathy, compassion, or the need to do a good job.

Called a car rental CS for help in getting confirmation of a few things. The nigger's brood could be heard screeching in the background; all the while she was saying "Sir, I do not know how to contact that branch/answer your question"--or similar perfunctory drivel.

Decided to be White and said "thank you", but immediately called back. Got a Filipino, told him a little of the encounter--said I know you all work from home, but...I quickly noticed I didn't hear any distractions and furthermore received his full attention. He was able to fully answer all my questions and more, and even provided information I could not find anywhere (does the local car rental place install a car seat when ordered).

My rule of thumb is whenever I see a nigger behind the counter, virtual or in person, I go to the next one. Best thing for my sanity, ever.
Rhetorical question: Why the fuck are so many niggers in commercials and on television?     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 2.7 years ago


Jesus Fucking Christ. For being 13% of the population, they're in EVERY. GODDAMN. SCENE.

I was sitting reading while my wife was watching yellowstone, I think. While the scenes were mostly nigger-free, the commercials...holy fuck. In literally every single one. And of course, not representative of niggers as a whole; meaning they were White-like.

Now, we all know why. But fucking-A, if this is what the normies get, no wonder they think niggers are ok...
Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup     (www.halfbakedharvest.com)

submitted by recon_johnny to Recipes 2.9 years ago


Someone at work sent this out. I tried it, probably the best chicken noodle I've had. I did not use fresh rosemary, but some dried I had. I added a little extra, just in case. I also used white table wine instead of the sherry (who keeps that around...?). Anyways, it's pretty tasty. There's many more soups and desserts there.
Friend went to the rainbow bridge today     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.2 years ago


Completely unexpected and absolutely heartbreaking. But at least I said goodbye during his final breaths; and I was able to talk with him while I stroked his ear and face for 20 minutes before the shot. I've never been given that chance for all my previous dogs.

He was a good, sweet boy. One of, if not, the best.
Jab to work is coming     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.2 years ago


I posted this on Gab. Seeing if anyone here has an answer: Is there a definitive on being mandated to get the vaccine as a condition of employment? Any legal recourse?

My place just gave the note that if you're jabbed, you get a sticker. If you have a medical or religious exception, then you're considered un-jabbed and no sticker. No sticker means (right now, I know this will change at any time): masking, social distancing, additional education on COVID-19 vaccines and safety training, routine proof of negative COVID-19 test results. Or whatever they decide, like termination. I can see this down the road coming a miles a way.

Doesn't matter if you work from home or not.

Torba sent a nice "here's how you file an exception", but it appears they're going around it pretty easily. Regardless of your condition (medical, even), no jab...no sticker; and thereby no access to stuff.

Seeing if anyone else can shed some light, thanks in advance.
Nigger “doctors” are useless     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.2 years ago


Wife had to go in this am, went with her. The regular GP not available, in walks this arrogant piece of shit.

Didn’t read her chart, had no clue she didn’t have a thyroid...I took about 10 mins and got her the fuck out.

Absolutely fucking worthless.
OK, so don't laugh too much.      (www.reddit.com)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.3 years ago


Should someone tell "her"?
We need some more "Around blacks...." phrasing     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.3 years ago


Was thinking of this walking out of the grocery store today--some additional phrases would be good. I didn't get many, but figure you degenerates are better.

Here's mine:

Around a nigger, my finger is on the trigger.

Around a coon, do your business before noon.

Around a spearchucker, don't be a sucker (or shoot the motherfucker).

Around a porch monkey, don't be a flunky (this one is weak, I'll admit).

What else do you have?
Had an interaction with an actual ADL, IDF, whatever the fuck the jew calls themselves     (whatever)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.4 years ago


All I have to say is that there will come a day when you figure this shit out and see jew behavior (no need for Early Life; as a metaphor).

On another site, went pretty much textbook. Faggot starts to question my intelligence, makes an "informed" statement. I deflect, start laughing, and then the jewfag starts gaslighting. I don't care, I'm laughing at him and insulting, and after a few, I tell him it looks like he's being paid for posting and everyone knows who he is and what he's doing.

At this point, the quality of his posts dramatically decrease and he's left to namecalling. Then the faggot blocks me.

Pretty much memory-holed forever     (i.ruqqus.com)

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 3.4 years ago