Art Cashin, New York Stock Exchange fixture for decades, dies at age 83
( worked on a large OTC trading floor in the early 90's. I managed their systems, responding to quirks that affected trades internally, and did troubleshooting for catastrophic system outages. In this capacity, I worked with the who's-who of Brokerage houses and financial data companies on the Street, resolving issues that occurred with financial data communications and transmissions between us.
One of the firms I worked with was BRUT, The guy I worked with on their side was slightly younger than me, His last name was also Cashin, I'm guessing he was related. He was extremely smart, and very good at what He did, we worked well together. Traders, as you can imagine, have no patience, so this was a very high stress position. This guy, I'm guessing, a son, was Top-Notch! Which makes a hell of a difference when the Firm is hemorrhaging money, and EVERYONE is looking at you. Needless to say, I had a high visibility position. I didn't understand how visible It was until the President of our Firm, who I had not previously met, came to the trading floor for a Christmas luncheon the first year I was there. Everyone had the chance to go up and shake his hand, and exchange Holiday greetings. So it's my turn to meet him, and I introduce myself, and he say's "I've heard a lot about you. You're doing some really good work up here." I was surprised that he knew who I was.
Anyone who knew Finance back then, knew that Art was an important figure in our Industry. He was one of the venerable old guys. I made some great relationships in those days, and I miss it. I worked in other Financial companies after that, but this one was special, because it was culmination of a life's dream. I was a poor kid growing up, that wasn't expected to do much in life, and I set a goal to work in Finance, and I was able to hang with the Big Dogs...