Notice: no option to ask the engineers why they say what they do. Matters of science are no longer about drawing conclusions from evidence, they are only about how many members of the priest caste support a dogmatic stance (nominally informed by evidence that only they have special access to).
('s all a matter of trust in things unseen, also known as "faith".
In what way is this not religious? Sounds like Medieval Age Catholicism.
"You don't get to talk to God or read the Holy Bible, only they (the priests) do, and you just trust in them to relate God's will to you correctly. To question them is to question the will of God".
The true poison is smugness and punishing anyone who displays ignorance or gets something incorrect. In order to continue to be right, we must feel free to be wrong. Not afraid of condemnation for saying something that isn't in total agreement with the consensus dogma.
That creates a playground for shills and con artists. Kill your condescension, show sympathy to those with whom you disagree or feel disappointment with, try to understand that everyone has reasons for thinking, speaking and acting as they do, reasons for why they make sense to themselves, behind every bit of foolishness is a spark of brilliance that can be salvaged and made to shine even brighter.
Carl Sagan put it best, rather than discouraging curiosity and unorthodox thought, promote scientific investigation practices and logical reasoning processes, obviously dumb questions like why the grass is green or the moon is round are always needed to be asked and answered.
It's good practice to follow the steps taken by the great minds that came before, that is the journey everyone should be encouraged to walk. It is your hostility, derision, humiliation, and condescension that discourages people from becoming educated and developing into great thinkers.
It's not just about believing the right things, a religion has been made in the mocking image of science, and they called it science when it is a pale imposter of the true discipline.