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One of my friends and his wife enlightened me last night.

submitted by deleted to whatever 3 yearsNov 24, 2021 10:29:36 ago (+53/-0)     (whatever)


81 comments block

I've got a young employee: he's a tall, blue-eyed 21 year old who just impregnated his cute blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend. And his last name is a good German name. He is going to marry the girl, don't worry. His father died when he was young, and he kinda looks up to me (actually down because he's a giant). When he hired on, I asked how many kids he wanted. He said the usual zoomer response about "oh, we wanna travel, and work on our careers." I told him she didn't need to work or travel, but just to raise his giant Aryan babies. A month later, she was pregnant.

Anyway, today we're looking at something in my office and I type "Erika" on Spotify.
He says, "Hey, I know that one". He doesn't ever know my music, but he started singing every word.

There's hope in SOME young people. Find them, and stoke the fires.