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Cynabuns is no longer an admin here effetive immediately

submitted by system to whatever 3 yearsNov 24, 2021 14:52:42 ago (+26/-9)     (whatever)

She has done a lot to help and build up this website, but our differences are too great to deal with any longer so I have ended our working relationship. I will be passively looking for a new mod to replace her. In the mean time please ping me with @system or send a PM with any issue that arise.

Edit: Just to be clear, the site's rules will remain the same and penalties still enacted. Ping @system to report any issues.

Edit 2: If you're noticing this thread loading slowly it's because there are 150+ comments here. This is why similar sites hide comments after a certain amount. I hate having to click load new comments but it's something I will eventually have to fully implement.

196 comments block
