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Snake eats own tail. Leftars warn, that universities and collages will be burned down

submitted by deleted to twitter 2.8 yearsDec 20, 2021 15:19:09 ago (+5/-6)     (twitter)


8 comments block

breh -1 points 2.8 years ago

With the invention of the internet, schools of any sort became redundant and unnecessary. The purpose of having a schoolhouse was to gather all of the rare books of knowledge and an individual who could understand them into one place so that learning could be passed on.
Any person anywhere with wifi can look at the totality of man's knowledge in an instant, and talk to millions of people that understand every concept just as instantly. The only reason the outdated public school system is still even around is because of teacher lobbies and government tax schemes.
Higher education is only relevant so far as having experimental equipment that is unavailable to most common men. If usury were completely removed from the system and any non-technical focused knowledge were moved online tuition would actually be affordable for most people without loans.
If the government took all of the money it is wasting on powering and supplying unneeded brick-and-mortar gathering places and spent it on publically available scientific and technical equipment there would be another Great Leap in technology and knowledge. But, niggers. This might work in Poland, or Vermont, maybe.
TL:DR Let it burn