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Had a good laugh at the grocery store

submitted by OriginalGoat to whatever 3 yearsDec 22, 2021 01:31:25 ago (+69/-0)     (whatever)

Forgot to pull meat from the freezer last night so today I was at the grocery store. I needed something for dinner and so I grabbed a pork butte thinking it was on sale but then realized it wasn't when I looked at the sticker. I was already down the line a little bit so I just placed it in the meat cooler closest to me...

"Sir, you can't put that there."

"I just did."

"Sir, that's the halal section and that's pork."

I looked at the massive pork shoulder sitting on top of the pile of halal chicken breast and realized what I did. I burst out laughing and walked away. I'm probably going to do that every time I go to a grocery store now. Even my wife thought it was funny and she gets uncomfortable when I say nigger in public.

33 comments block

Winn Dixie in Tampa had a sign above a checkout saying no pork or alcohol. There was a bitch wearing a hijab operating the register.

I got in line with beer. A manager ran over to ring me up. He tried to give me a lecture about multiculturism.

I told him "when people come here they adapt to us. Not the other way around!".

The next time I was in the store the sign was gone.