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How to avoid getting vaxxed for work?

submitted by NERVReplicant01 to Covid1984 2.7 yearsDec 27, 2021 10:09:13 ago (+12/-1)     (Covid1984)

I currently live in Chicago (total shitshow I know, looking to leave as soon as I can). GF and I are both anti-vax, I'm about as redpilled as a Voat user can get.

Chicago is mandating vaxxed status as of January 3rd. I work remotely so I don't have to deal with that shit (also don't have to deal with all the nonwhites here).

She will not get vaxxed, I told her better to lose her job and she agreed. But I am looking to navigate it before that point. Is anyone here familiar with how to forge a vax card themselves (like a downloadable template), or where I can buy online? I'll hit up some markets to look later today, but looking for additional input in the meantime. All advice is appreciated.

If all you can say is "Hurr durr just quit the job and move away" shut the fuck up and don't comment like a braindead nigger. Looking for constructive feedback only.

Edit: Thank you for the input fellas. My life situation is that I am poor as fuck, just started a good job a few months ago, once I have enough saved I move somewhere further south. My current living situation with my grandfather is good economically, and gives me the only chance I'll probably ever have to spend quality time with him, since he is getting up in age. I give it +/- 6 months til I move. Biggest downsides are the niggers, EMFs, lack of beauty in this city, and sense of claustrophobia. I fill my gas out of state and working from home helps me avoid much of the grossness and lack of soul.

30 comments block

Ragnar -6 points 2.7 years ago

has a gf
as redpilled as can be

Nah, does not compute