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The Whole Voat vs. Poal Thing Is Retarded

submitted by Hadrian to whatever 2.7 yearsJan 31, 2022 09:53:23 ago (+119/-16)     (whatever)

Same politics. Same enemies. Same sense of humor. Hated by the same people. Nearly same site structure. Hell, half the posts are identical.

Yet somehow, in a world full of reddits and twitters and corporate media orgs, we're going to promote animosity between these two tiny sites because some admin hurt your feelings. I can't tell if these posts are astroturfed animosity, or if you all are actual morons.

201 comments block

I use(d) both sites. Even have the same user name. Pretty sure both sites run off the same user database and are both Mlimited hangouts.

But, I like it here(s).