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The goats who went to Poal and have now returned.... They're all jews now.

submitted by ShitsInHoneypots to Poal 2.7 yearsFeb 1, 2022 20:39:00 ago (+21/-3)     (files.catbox.moe)


AOU has access to MKULTRA mind control technology.

None of them even remember that hazing new users was of paramount importance on Voat.

26 comments block

I came to Voat during the first exodus, r/niggers. Voat died and I went to Poal, now Poal is dead and I'm back. I find it pretty fucking funny though, the cycles of exodus and hazing, it happened to TD, Q, MGTOW, and some other fags too. But the hazing didn't start till after r/niggers and FPH exodus to Voat, around the same time as niggerfaggot, before Amalek drama, before eagleshigh drama, before all that.