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Let me amuse you with a story that is a microcosm of what is happening to our country

submitted by Laputois to TellTalk 2.6 yearsMay 30, 2022 11:59:25 ago (+63/-0)     (TellTalk)

In the 1970's I lived in a small southern community. Although schools had been desegregated the physician's office still maintained separate entrances and waiting rooms for niggers. They did not complain because the Doctor was providing medical services to them free of charge or under the sham of a billing system they never paid, he subsidized it with his white patients and writing the loss off of his taxes I guess. Whites in that area in my parents generation felt the need to "help" their black parasites as they were unable to help themselves. Some venues though were exclusively white , by precedent. As an example the local movie theater did not state that blacks were not allowed, but nevertheless the niggers understood they were not welcome. In 1971 that all changed. The operator of the theater got greedy. Certain days of the week were not as popular as others. He would also run cheaper films that were not as popular, but I guess his profit margin was increased for those that did frequent the theater. In 1971 he decided to run the movie Shaft on Sunday night. He distributed flyers in the black side of town announcing it's illustrious premier. Of course being invited, the niggers came. This was not well received in the white community and white attendance began to decrease, while Sunday night and Monday were declared "soul nights" at the venue. Other films like Roxy Brown were run. Within weeks the theater became very seedy, the white clientele noticed that the seats and carpet were filthy and the bathrooms were broken. Whites boycotted the theater completely and it was nigger night every night. Within months the theater had stabbing, cops , fights, and eventually it closed under bankruptcy.

62 comments block

con77 35 points 2.6 years ago

Saw a comment on another thread. "If the Founding Fathers saw our society today they would have sunk every slave ship approaching our shore."