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Texas Republicans Declare Biden Election Illegitimate - The Texas resolution passed by voice vote says "we reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States!"

submitted by MartinTimothy to USPolitics 2.6 yearsJun 20, 2022 04:04:34 ago (+73/-1)     (www.reuters.com)


Plumbforbtc @ Reddit says "which ever side of the political fence you are on, you cannot successfully argue that US elections are anywhere near being secure. Elections are rigged. Voter fraud is rampant, the left and the right are guilty of doing nothing to fix it just like term limits.

We little folk whether we lean to the left or the right almost unanimously agree that term limits should be implemented yesterday. The fact that they haven't goes to show you that neither side cares about ridding congress of corruption, because THEY ARE the corruption.

Election security is the same way. Assholes on the left and right are there as a direct result of rigged elections, and will do nothing to stop it.

29 comments block

(((Reuters))) has to include "despite evidence" in the headline. The CEO of Reuters is someone named (((Steve Hasker))) no early life or wikipedia article yet somehow I know