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Stop using their language

submitted by MelGibson to whatever 2.3 yearsJun 21, 2022 10:20:58 ago (+51/-0)     (whatever)

I just read another post or meme that used the word heterosexual to describe normal, straight men. This is a co-opted word that used to be a “scientific” term for one who engaged in a lot of normal sex with many different partners. It was coined for use in todays language back in the 60s or 70s when the paradigms were created, heterosexual vs homosexual. Gradually, faggots stopped being the dregs of society and started to become homosexuals.

Because your parents allowed the shift in language, you are no longer allowed to call these demons by their original name. Their derogatory name which marks them in the minds of others as being contrary to the norm. This was all made possible by replacing the word NORMAL with HETEROSEXUAL.

47 comments block

Sector7 16 points 2.3 years ago

Stop saying "gay" when you actually mean faggot. They are NOT lighthearted and carefree.