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Let's be honest. You can go out and do a lot of things. Most people you encounter are going to be nice, regardless of the demographic they belong to. You still have a lot of freedom and most demographics are filled with decent folks. Even the jews.

submitted by Paradoxical003 to whatever 2.2 yearsJul 25, 2022 20:22:05 ago (+5/-4)     (whatever)

I think we can all live in harmony and liberty, we can have equal justice for all, and each of us could have a future.

So long as we are able to make our own decisions and do as they please, so long as they don't infringe upon the ownership rights of others.

It's not the government's place to police culture, and laws like those against discrimination or hate only exist to impose a set of cultural values upon people.

Sometimes the path to a white person coming to not hate or fear a group of people requires they be allowed to self segregate away from them for a time.

If a business owner truly owns their business, it means they own all aspects of their operation, they should be allowed to make their choice regarding who they serve, how they serve them, what the requirements are for the provision of services to any customer, who they hire, who they fire, how their workers work for them, and so on.

Any contract or agreement thay doesn't violate the ownership rights of others should be able to be made, and the government should enforce their terms by law. This includes the agreement not to sell certain things to certain people.

Any law that tries to combat racism only makes it worse, and it hurts the entire country in the process, not just economically, but in every other way.

Let people be left well alone unless they cause direct harm upon the person or property of others, and everything will improve.

Libertarianism works.

36 comments block

Your title reads like someone who has never had to live among niggers.