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Niggers as Customer Service

submitted by recon_johnny to whatever 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 01:10:20 ago (+36/-0)     (whatever)

If there's one thing I've learned rather quickly, it's that niggers don't fit in our society; especially in places where they need to serve others.

Be that food preparation, medical staff, or simple customer service reps that have the responsibility of taking care of other people's problems; they are inferior animals not capable of empathy, compassion, or the need to do a good job.

Called a car rental CS for help in getting confirmation of a few things. The nigger's brood could be heard screeching in the background; all the while she was saying "Sir, I do not know how to contact that branch/answer your question"--or similar perfunctory drivel.

Decided to be White and said "thank you", but immediately called back. Got a Filipino, told him a little of the encounter--said I know you all work from home, but...I quickly noticed I didn't hear any distractions and furthermore received his full attention. He was able to fully answer all my questions and more, and even provided information I could not find anywhere (does the local car rental place install a car seat when ordered).

My rule of thumb is whenever I see a nigger behind the counter, virtual or in person, I go to the next one. Best thing for my sanity, ever.

31 comments block

[ - ] Roy_Batty 11 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 01:19:13 ago (+11/-0)

Things like that are a large part of the reason I left the south. You need to go to get any sort of license? Niggers. You need to go to the hospital? Fat sassy niggers. Call the cops on the fat sassy nigger you had to slap? Uppity nigger cops. Go to jail? Well... this one is a given I guess.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 03:38:08 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] Crackinjokes 3 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 08:56:43 ago (+5/-2)

I will say that those huge fat white women in jobs are often very knowledgeable and as long as you don't piss them off they can answer incredible questions and have a deep knowledge of the system and how to get things done. They can get stuff through a system if you're nice to them that no one else can because no one within that system will give them any s***. And if you can get one of them to work for you they'll work for a lot less money than anybody else and they'll just take it because they have accepted their fate and they get all their satisfaction from bitching but they actually will do what's necessary to keep their job and they will realize their power from being very good at their job and so they'll do that because they don't have anything else.

[ - ] MichaelStewart 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 30, 2022 17:27:04 ago (+0/-0)

Holy fuck that’s savage

[ - ] GrayDragon 7 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 06:48:26 ago (+7/-0)

Yeah, when checking out in the supermarket, if the groid cashier has what appears will be a faster line, I still generally go to the other line. Of course, if the other line has nigger customers in it that will also screw up the transaction speed, it becomes a math puzzle as to which to choose.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 4 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 08:57:54 ago (+4/-0)

This is so true!. I do the same calculation when I go to the grocery store. And while it's much more rare than it used to be you also have to make sure that there's not a very old person in line in front of you because the damn well will try to write a check.

[ - ] Youdgetfuckedfaggot 4 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 10:56:03 ago (+4/-0)

I had this fucking nigger bitch in front of me whining about her 'points'. Maybe 5 dollars at the absolute most. Trying multiple cards, demanding that the cashier tell her that she could call customer service later and add the points to her account. I knew this was impossible because I tried once. I didn't want to hold up the line so I accepted I'd either waste my own time later or not get the points. It was clear the cashier also knew this information but just wanted this ugly subhuman creature out of its sight so was lying to her.

The first time I called her a nigger she tried getting uppity. I stared at her and called her a nigger again. The cashier smiled and I guess she realized she wasn't going to benefit from this encounter if she kept talking shit so she dropped it entirely.

Of course I was done bagging my groceries before she was done packing her shit back into her purse.

They're definitely subhuman. I've met a few niggers who had more education than me. We all laughed when we heard the nigger beats this nerd nigger listened to. They really are something else.

[ - ] recon_johnny [op] 2 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 11:09:26 ago (+2/-0)

Absolutely. So much so, that my wife has noticed my choices, and every time she “tests” it/me, I always move her to the whitest person/line.

[ - ] con77 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 14:25:32 ago (+0/-0)

so true

[ - ] herbert_west 6 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 03:23:15 ago (+6/-0)*

The problem with the niggers are the mongrels created by the coalsharks. If all niggers were just pure IQ70 African, we would put then into a reservation as the animals they are and be done with them. However, some of the higher functioning mongrels are semi-human and are used by the Jews to make people believe all niggers can be just like them. Weak men and women who'll end up fucking niggers should be thrown out of a cliff, like in Sparta.

[ - ] Jiggggg 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 11:10:15 ago (+1/-0)

Absolutely agree. This is why American niggers are actually worse than African niggers

[ - ] con77 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 14:27:22 ago (+0/-0)

nailed it

[ - ] diggernicks 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 29, 2022 18:45:58 ago (+1/-0)

They'll be much more of this failure due to nigger loving christ cucks limiting abortions

[ - ] FishyOrb 4 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 09:28:57 ago (+4/-0)

You aren't wrong but understand that this is also engineered to some extent. They (blacks) were a lot better off back in the 50s in terms of being socially healthy. Of course, you'll get nowhere trying to explain that to, well, anyone in real life.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 09:42:45 ago (+2/-1)

That's a myth. Just a few years after they were released from the plantations they were already chimping out and raping.

[ - ] FishyOrb 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 14:21:19 ago (+1/-0)

It's not a myth. The center of the distribution was reasonably well-behaved. Yes, there were outliers because socialization is only so effective. What was once outlier behavior seems to be center of the distribution now.

The point is what was done can likely be un-done. And people also need to pay attention to how it was done to 1) prevent it happening again and 2) understand that they have been doing the same to all other groups including poor whites and for the same reasons.

[ - ] Spaceman84 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 15:14:53 ago (+1/-0)

Ok nigger lover. Fear was the only thing that kept them in check. Niggers will never be civilized for as long as they are niggers. Next you'll tell me shitbulls are only bad because of their owners.

[ - ] recon_johnny [op] -1 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 11:15:55 ago (+0/-1)

Yeah, I know. Today’s environment is a direct result of moving nigger fathers from the nigger family unit.

Again, not saying they’re anywhere close to us, but having a male figure raised in a society that had expectations on them helped the niglets be better.

And, of course, that was planned.

[ - ] Spaceman84 -1 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 15:16:00 ago (+0/-1)

Niggers have never been present fathers in the history of the world. Are you a kike? Why do you love niggers? They belong in Africa, jail or six feet deep.

[ - ] recon_johnny [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 18:52:59 ago (+0/-0)

Suck my balls, faggot. It wasn't great, but in the 60's, nigger fathers were there 3/4 of the time. Now it's 1/3.

The decrease is by design, you fucking get that, right?

I don't want any here, I'd like them all dead, after all jews first. In africa there's no fathers around.

But. Here in the states, removal of the fathers has led to the overwhelming random violence and fucked behavior. I used to work in South Central LA, I've seen that shit up front. That was my redpill, and I haven't looked back.

Look, string them all up, I'm all for it. I'm making an observation, and if your smoothbrain can't see any connection, blow me.

[ - ] Localuser 2 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 11:32:40 ago (+2/-0)

The worse part is customer service over the phone. I have no control over who helps me. Had to call the rental car company for an issue with car keys. Lady over the phone says shiiieeet. We gon have someone call you from road side assistance. Never got a call. Called back an hour later… shiieeet ain’t nobody call you yet, let me try them again. Finally got the car going and drove it straight to the rental car. 3 hours later I get a call. Damn man why don you tell us you don need help no mo shiiieeet wup de doo dah mo fuckin customer support.

Basic relay of information is tough for them.

[ - ] Darwinxmachina 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 29, 2022 18:40:56 ago (+0/-0)

When I get one on the phone for customer service or god-forbid, tech support, I hang up immediately and try again. I have endured too many of them completely unable to find their ass with both hands, let alone anything remotely technical. Especially the females. Just UTTERLY useless.

[ - ] recon_johnny [op] 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 29, 2022 20:05:41 ago (+1/-0)

Dude, having to dumb down and explain the smallest shit is just fucking wearing on my soul. Hang up and try again, I agree...best strategy.

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 02:26:56 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] scholarandrogue 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 29, 2022 12:53:16 ago (+0/-0)

the welfare state as a block client base

[ - ] beece 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 09:43:56 ago (+1/-0)*

When the tracking would get screwed up at UPS on our inbound freight stuff, I would occasionally be the one that called the UPS customer support line. No joke, every time I got a "diversity hire" type person (based strictly on accent), I had a fucked up experience. I learned that it was better upon hearing the CS rep pick up and slowly say: "Kin eye Hep U" to put the phone down and press the autoredial button until I had someone speaking the Kings English.

I'd forgotten about it until just a few days back the CC company shut down an $1100 internet purchase I was doing. I called the CC Customer Service and got the "Kin eye Hep U" riff and jesus fuck it was like pulling fucking teeth with no Novocaine and after 14-15 min of extreme stupidity that was off the charts, I hung up having learned damned near nothing. I'd explained, each time more slowly, that I had already made the purchase with another card, I only wanted to know why they had declined the purchase. I knew why they declined it, I have the cards memorized and I went from memory when I inputted the info and as they had just sent me a new card I missed the 3 digit number guess by a digit one time -2nd time I pulled it off the card. For that the card was declined.

[ - ] Crackinjokes 1 point 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 08:55:12 ago (+1/-0)

Also when going through the grocery store check out lane make sure there is a mail person who is going to do the grocery bagging. If it's a female person doing the grocery bagging it's going to be slow as hell and they'll do a terrible job. It doesn't matter who runs the checkout cashier because that's just scanning things these days. So all you want is somebody whose hand will sweep across the scanner at a reasonable pace and men and women do that pretty much the same.

[ - ] pickingrinninspittin -2 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 11:42:10 ago (+0/-2)*

I've known black people who were eminently capable and competent. Meeting a new one always comes as a bit of a surprise because, well, experience speaks volumes. And it's always a good reminder that though making assumptions based on group characteristics is wise it should never be the only metric by which we judge.

A couple times females in a typically male positions -- in these cases it was car repair and computer repair -- turned out to be both extremely competent and very helpful. I benefited significantly from their involvement even though initially my instincts had been to request a man to help me. They were humbling moments.

My point being, of course, that ultimately it comes down to personal differences. There are good niggers out there I know this for a fact. Presumably there are also good jews and muslims, though I have yet to meet any.

But the statement "Racism is just race realism" also makes the point that we make assumptions based on experience, and if the majority of our encounters with niggers have been sub-standard, or flat out scary, then expecting anything but that is stupid. Keep an open mind, but don't be stupid.

[ - ] con77 2 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 14:30:10 ago (+2/-0)

then you rode a unicorn to work

[ - ] Spaceman84 -1 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 15:17:02 ago (+0/-1)

Where did all these nigger loving race traitors come from? Popping out of the woodwork today.

[ - ] recon_johnny [op] 0 points 2.2 yearsJul 28, 2022 18:55:10 ago (+0/-0)

I've known black people who were eminently capable and competent.

Thanks for the laugh