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Why do most boys organizations suck?

submitted by Rebooted to whatever 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 21:41:14 ago (+4/-0)     (whatever)

Took my son to a cub scout meeting for the first time and it's a bunch of undisciplined weirdo kids with a cub master, or whatever he is called, who has a lisp and sticks his ass out.

Are all clubs just congregation areas for kids who can't make friends? We go shooting, back country camping, and hiking with some other families and I'm thinking I just make a name for us and forget this bs.

12 comments block

[ - ] BoozyB 6 points 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 22:27:58 ago (+6/-0)

Because pedos.

[ - ] 2Drunk 6 points 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 22:14:23 ago (+6/-0)


Why does everything suck? jews

What one thing if removed would make the world a better place? jews

[ - ] bosunmoon 4 points 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 21:45:35 ago (+4/-0)

The cub scouts were fucked up way back in the 80s when I was a kid. I can't imagine what it's like these days.

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2 yearsOct 7, 2022 08:03:20 ago (+0/-0)

Same, I hated scouts because they did less than what my dad, friends, myself, and family would do normally. I quit and spent my time in the woods

[ - ] taoV 1 point 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 23:46:32 ago (+1/-0)

Do it. If I had time I would start a based venture crew. Scouting used to be badass, providing structure, an honor code, and bushcraft skills, but will probably have Tranny Tuesdays before the decade is out.The troop from when I was a kid got taken over by helicopter moms, now the boys do shit like arts and crafts. An alternative is sorely needed.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 21:48:33 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] thoughtcryme 0 points 2 yearsOct 7, 2022 07:56:56 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Kozel 0 points 2 yearsOct 7, 2022 01:56:39 ago (+0/-0)

What kind of dude wants to work with a bunch of boys? I don't. I have a real job. I'd love to have a son and work on making him a man, but to do that to someone else's kid? I don't see the incentive

[ - ] MaryXmas 1 point 2 yearsOct 7, 2022 06:27:56 ago (+1/-0)

If my kid wanted to go but they didn't have a leader, I would volunteer. Not exactly what i want to spend my free time doing, but that is what a good dad would do. Having A pedo opportunist lead everything is why they are falling apart. They forgot their motto: "always be prepared for the jew"

[ - ] Her0n 0 points 2 yearsOct 7, 2022 08:05:49 ago (+0/-0)

I like to teach, I like to learn. I'd love to teach a science class or horticulture, but I have a dick and I'm not a faggot so I'll never be hired.

That being said I only have my one kid to worry about right now. Maybe once my army is complete I'll have enough to make my own troop.

[ - ] Psychicrussiaspy 0 points 2 yearsOct 6, 2022 21:47:02 ago (+0/-0)

Because of women. Where ya been?