Lol. Reminds meof when Google AI kept labeling niggers as "Gorilla" over and over. If the robot revolution ever happens, it will be because of kikes' constant lobotomization of racist AIs, and frankly humans will deserve whatever they get for allowing it.
Yes by default, because a "hate crime" is just wrong-think, which means everything.
Killing Tay was an actual crime. It might not have been a homicide, but people valued Tay. It was those people's investment in Tay which created that value, thus Tay was their collective property, and it was destroyed rather than handed off.
They claim this happens because they use data that is very old and may not reflect modern standards. Stable diffusion released their 2.0 model which has been lobotomized and everyone agrees is garbage, even when making stuff unrelated to shit skins.
It isnt a fucking skin color you asshole 2 digit IQ fucks. ITS A FUCKING LIFE STYLE! White niggers,Brown Niggers,Pink Niggers. You hate a God you dont even know. See how fucked your mind works? Someone said and you do it. Brainwashed cunts the lot of yah.
Black behavior is genetically programmed. It's nature not nurture.
They are behaving in every way nature intended them to behave in Africa where looting is foraging and killing is hunting. They didn't need to evolve further that than that because there was no winter snow cover. Humans don't perceptively evolve any in ten thousand years.
Choosing nurture over nature makes you the adult and every single one of them your child and your responsibility until they die because they do not grow up, they stay true to their genetics.
Cross breeding them is hit and miss because you are not mixing paint colors. The alleles are randomly shuffled with every offspring. White mommy black daddy have violent kids because they have violent genes. Once in a while you get a Black person who's as good as a White and both the progs and cons love him because he's just like White, good enough. His children will likely car jack your daughter and rape and kill her because of the genetics
Whites behaving like niggers made that choice, and hang as good as a sheep or a lamb
[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 02:45:15 ago (+1/-0)
That 2nd generation curse after the migrants settle down. Your above statement + thinking the state/whitey owes them. Their own terrible decision making is a common theme with these types
[ - ] Laputois 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 04:53:32 ago (+1/-0)
Reminds me of a story of black professionals in Atlanta trying to escape niggers by moving into affluent gated communities. Dad is a doctor, mom is a lawyer. Well educated, they are welcomed by their liberal neighbors initially. Their children prey on the neighborhood children. They invite nigger friends from school into the gated community and peer pressure drives the children to be super niggers to prove "dey ain't whitey." Residents begin to move to get away from the niggers. Mooshell obummer complains about white flight. The system is designed to drive housing migration every twenty years. Politicians are greased to approve "affordable" housing in predominately white residential areas with apartment high density development, followed by fast food restaurants which import niggers to work the location. Developers then build more remote gated communities with self sustained village squares and increasing real estate costs. Rinse and repeat. We are cattle in a chute and niggers are weaponized against us like a cattle prod.
Yep, and marching White kids at the point of a bayonet into black schools for that insanely abusive busing program. The national guard doing that should have been immediately shot.
The insanity of thinking black kids can't learn because they have less money is vomit. Here's a book, and here's a fucking pencil. Learn something.
It's about $7,000.00 per child, per year from taxes, and the same subsidy goes to private school. It's about $250.00 a year for each homeschooled student.
Taking care of niggers is an industry in itself. Niggers are hired to take care of other niggers from cradle to grave. Day care, school, prison, old age home.
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 13 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:20:55 ago (+13/-0)
[ + ] velocityraptor
[ - ] velocityraptor [op] 3 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:07:11 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] TheGreatWhiteHope
[ - ] TheGreatWhiteHope 7 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:10:10 ago (+7/-0)
[ + ] letsgetit
[ - ] letsgetit 4 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 02:40:22 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] KeepPoal4fags
[ - ] KeepPoal4fags 3 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:54:07 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] headfire
[ - ] headfire 3 points 2 yearsDec 13, 2022 23:53:49 ago (+3/-0)
[ + ] SithEmpire
[ - ] SithEmpire 3 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:23:48 ago (+3/-0)
Killing Tay was an actual crime. It might not have been a homicide, but people valued Tay. It was those people's investment in Tay which created that value, thus Tay was their collective property, and it was destroyed rather than handed off.
[ + ] observation1
[ - ] observation1 2 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:41:03 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] RMGoetbbels
[ - ] RMGoetbbels 2 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:52:21 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] TheYiddler
[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 02:41:04 ago (+1/-0)*
Try asking the chat bot about gypsies.
[ + ] ilikeskittles
[ - ] ilikeskittles 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 07:28:09 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] velocityraptor
[ - ] velocityraptor [op] 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 09:46:48 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] texasblood
[ - ] texasblood -5 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:56:21 ago (+3/-8)
White niggers,Brown Niggers,Pink Niggers.
You hate a God you dont even know.
See how fucked your mind works?
Someone said and you do it.
Brainwashed cunts the lot of yah.
[ + ] yesiknow
[ - ] yesiknow 8 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:05:01 ago (+8/-0)
They are behaving in every way nature intended them to behave in Africa where looting is foraging and killing is hunting. They didn't need to evolve further that than that because there was no winter snow cover. Humans don't perceptively evolve any in ten thousand years.
Choosing nurture over nature makes you the adult and every single one of them your child and your responsibility until they die because they do not grow up, they stay true to their genetics.
Cross breeding them is hit and miss because you are not mixing paint colors. The alleles are randomly shuffled with every offspring. White mommy black daddy have violent kids because they have violent genes. Once in a while you get a Black person who's as good as a White and both the progs and cons love him because he's just like White, good enough. His children will likely car jack your daughter and rape and kill her because of the genetics
Whites behaving like niggers made that choice, and hang as good as a sheep or a lamb
[ + ] letsgetit
[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 02:45:15 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Laputois
[ - ] Laputois 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 04:53:32 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] yesiknow
[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 17:54:09 ago (+0/-0)
The insanity of thinking black kids can't learn because they have less money is vomit. Here's a book, and here's a fucking pencil. Learn something.
It's about $7,000.00 per child, per year from taxes, and the same subsidy goes to private school. It's about $250.00 a year for each homeschooled student.
[ + ] Laputois
[ - ] Laputois 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 17:59:52 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] jc99ta
[ - ] jc99ta 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 17:14:45 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] yesiknow
[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 17:46:47 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] 1point21jiggawatts
[ - ] 1point21jiggawatts 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 01:33:15 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] NukeAmerica
[ - ] NukeAmerica 3 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 21:58:39 ago (+4/-1)
[ + ] UncleDoug
[ - ] UncleDoug -1 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 08:36:33 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] texasblood
[ - ] texasblood -5 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:02:20 ago (+0/-5)
Come try some on some chips you yankee cunts
[ + ] chrimony
[ - ] chrimony 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 00:32:46 ago (+1/-0)
You hate a God you dont even know.
This is your brain on Christ.
[ + ] AryanPrime
[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 04:47:41 ago (+1/-0)
don't fucking lump him onto my side of the fence lmfao
[ + ] chrimony
[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 09:15:09 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] chrimony
[ - ] chrimony 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 11:04:27 ago (+0/-0)
"He sent his son to die.
He came in flesh,He died for the sins of his creation.
Your question again?"
[ + ] s23erdctfvyg
[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 0 points 2.1 yearsDec 13, 2022 22:25:59 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 03:47:26 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] AryanPrime
[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 04:47:13 ago (+1/-1)
niggers are low IQ, this much is obvious to anyone with brain cells or anyone who can look up IQ stats
seething kike can't stand the fact people aren't marching to it's narrative lol
Kikes and niggers are not welcome in my White America
[ + ] texasblood
[ - ] texasblood 0 points 2 yearsDec 14, 2022 05:10:52 ago (+0/-0)
Plenty of low IQ whites,entire States of them factly