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(repost) Look at the evil around you. Your government might as well be run by the devil incarnate. To those who say no one will do anything, let me explain why

submitted by prototype to USPolitics 1.6 yearsMar 3, 2023 00:27:34 ago (+23/-0)     (USPolitics)

Reposted because the system screwed the text up and wouldn't show it for some reason.

Recently came across yet another 'nothing is happening because white men bad' post by some sycophantic coward. And it is about time the situation is explained for those that are prone to accept such nonsense.

First the comment:

We got a severe fucking problem with White men, they don't have any balls anymore

Now let me explain to you what we are actually going through as a nation, and an ethnic group (culture and race):

Whats lacking is organization (constantly infiltrated, constantly shut down), leadership (subverted, bribed, or killed), and bankrolling for recruiting , propaganda, and equipment (all of it tracked and shut down before getting off the ground).

What is happening is you're living under an outright murderous dictatorship absolutely and vehemently masquerading, 24/7, as anything except exactly what it is. One that that has been highly effective at subverting, shutting down, or destroying any resistances or separatist movements from their very inception.

I estimate that given some initial successes and backing, a populist or militant resistance movement in the u.s. would garner the support of between 1-4% of the populace, with 0.5-1% actively participating for some amount of time ranging from months, up to a protracted duration of four or more years at the extreme.

Based on the model, my conclusion is nothings happening because almost no one out there has the resources, organization, leadership, or legal cover to do anything. Go look up how guerilla movements operate, they always have some support from middle class professionals providing all sorts of resources, backing, legal theory, and services.

In short, it's a very complex problem mostly solved by having a fuckton of money, and the backing of those factions in the system that are unhappy with it--long enough to gather said war chest.

Which probably won't happen because one of the biggest targets of surveillance in the current system, is its own people running the system--precisely for this very reason, that they are one of the biggest achilles heels of any state.

It's so bad I'd even go so far as to say we are likely living in a system worse than what north korea or the soviets ran. How do I know this? I don't. But nothing, and I mean, exactly nothing thats said on the u.s. intelligence-sponsored media can be trusted, at all anymore. What I can say is they have a history, a pattern of behavior so reliable you could set a clock to it, of accusing other nations of all the very practices that the u.s. and the west have been caught engaging in--

Policies that we accuse other nations of all the time, up to and including death camps. yes i'd do so far as to say the u.s. is so far gone, so predictable in its projections, that right here now, at this very moment, there are death camps operating on u.s. soil.
Camps where we kill hundreds or thousands of u.s. citizens, or more, every year. I would not hesitate, hyperbolic as all this is, to suggest that in every single news room, board room, and major corporation there is one or more employees
of the regime's intelligence and politburo, be it the cia, fbi, dhs, cdc, or other, with carte blanche on any final decisions, like a de facto shadow government. I wouldn't hesitate to suggest that this government has an active program, of a few thousands officers, spread out across thirty or so agencies, vigorously engaged in assassinations of blacklisted individuals and their families--those who go against the regime, or who the regime finds problematic. I would go so far as to suggest that most morticians in major cities are under the jurisdiction or contract of the intelligence agencies or secret police, to cover up these murders committed by the regime.

Lastly I would venture to say there are programs to send people out into the public, into all levels of private and public life, all spheres, all interests, all industries, all communities, tens of thousands of them (which is a paltry fucking number) paid as contractors, whose sole job is disruption of public life, disruption of political activism, bribery, blackmail, coercion, spying, subversion, and the break up of any and all political spirits and organized economic activities of the public (unions, strikes, boycotts, etc).

You are living under a totalitarian dictatorship, a hybrid that pulls its murderous methods straight from bolshevik marxism fused with corporate socialism, the merger of public and private interests.

How would you know if this wasn't the case?

you wouldn't. Your government, is, for all intents and purposes, completely opaque and unaccountable. Any accountability you see could be very carefully orchestrated media propaganda.

We should have never allowed military intelligence to exist, let alone run operations on u.s. and western soil.

Your government is run by the devil incarnate.

35 comments block

oyveyo -1 points 1.6 years ago

As long as The Beast is allowed to exist, there will be no uprising. The Beast is technology. The Beast is circuit boards on the network. Phones in everyone's pockets tracking where they go, who's around them, microphones listening to conversations and converting into text that goes into databases which algorithmic digital spiders peruse looking for insurgent patterns. Cameras mounted at every intersection connected to AI that can track your Ford Escort across the map. 5G surveillance / energy weapons that can see through walls and manipulate or kill you on command. Your actions and communications are intercepted all the time, it doesn't matter if you follow OPSEC because nobody else is. Nobody can, the eyes of The Beast are everywhere.

To kill The Beast you have to bring down power and networks, completely, on a very large scale. You have to keep that down long enough to achieve your goals. This is no small feat. It's not impossible, just highly unlikely. Right now, somebody is raising an eyebrow at what I just said and that's the point I'm trying to make: in order to organize, you've got to open your mouth, but as soon as you open your mouth, THEY know what you are up to. I'm on the internet, which is a creation of DARPA. It's called the World Wide Web because it is designed to catch prey. The web is only a shard of their ability to monitor and control.

The last safe private place to exist is literally deep underground. They know this and it's why they have their D.U.M.B. facilities all over the place.

In short: without taking down The Beast, there will never be a successful overthrow of our oppressors. Get the fuck outta dodge and find a cave. Keep your head down and wait it out. The breaking point draws near believe that. The opening plays of the end game have been made: worldwide injections designed to slowly kill the obedient, destruction of food supply chains everywhere, poisoning of our land and water. When the masses of frogs realize they are already boiling, they'll start jumping out of the pot and the whole place is going to catch fire when the ZOG's flamethrowers unleash on hell's kitchen. Good luck everyone, you're gonna need it.