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oh, yeah?

submitted by boekanier to whatever 1.8 yearsMar 16, 2023 02:05:16 ago (+23/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


7 comments block

the great PYRAMIDS were provably built by paid teams of workers, not slaves.

Pyramids built by paid labourers, not slaves::

The men who built the last remaining wonder of the ancient world ate meat regularly and worked in three months shifts, said Hawass. It took 10,000 workers more than 30 years to build a single pyramid

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2021 : Pyramid workers were paid locals. Yet historical narratives and Hollywood films have made many believe the Jews built the pyramids while enslaved in Egypt:


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Giza Secret Revealed: How 10,000 Pyramid Builders Got Fed:

This meat-rich diet, along with the availability of medical care (the skeletons of some workers show healed bones), would have been an additional lure for ancient Egyptians to work on the pyramids
They probably got a much better diet than they got in their village

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Surviving written records, including papyri discovered in 2013 at Wadi al-Jarf on Egypt's Red Sea coast, indicate that large groups of workers — sometimes translated as "gangs" — helped bring material to Giza. The papyri found at Wadi al-Jarf tell of a group of 200 men headed by an inspector named Merer

used to bake large amounts of bread, slaughter thousands of animals and brew copious amounts of beer

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Great Pyramid tombs unearth 'proof' workers were not slaves:


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BBC Science : Contrary to popular belief, it wasn’t slaves who built the pyramids:


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Jews created the lies and myths.

No slaves built the pyramids.