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Stop it.

submitted by Ozark to whatever 1.8 yearsApr 1, 2023 17:17:56 ago (+52/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


22 comments block

Funny, but I admire the hardcore LARPers I've encountered because LARPERs seem to have some cardinal rules:

FIRST : LARP groups walk through and around you as if you are non-existant, and IGNORE INCORPORATING you into their stories, even if you follow them a bit.

SECOND : ALL objects found and improvisational introduced aloud, become active elements, if non-living.

This guy knows his larping.

Comically, at large sciFi or gaming conventions, if Cops are called, the LARPers DELIBERATELY fuck with the cops almost to the point of full arrest.

TL/DR: LARPers stick to their ways.