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Is it just me?

submitted by Rowdybme to whatever 1.7 yearsApr 9, 2023 04:52:36 ago (+76/-3)     (whatever)

Most of you idiots talk and act worse than niggers. We should be nice and constructive and encouraging to each other. Instead it's like an idiot shit show most of the time in the comments. Have some self respect. Stop sounding like uneducated niggers. I get it. Some of you are young and need an outlet for your anger. Stop directing it at people who mostly agree with you. Wtf are we doing?

113 comments block

It certainly doesn't do much good, i think it mostly discourages people from making a post knowing how much ire and criticism it will attract then they complain there isn't enough content on the site.

they may think they "educating" people but teachers can educate without being pricks, i think if you try to educate whilst being a prick about it just invokes spite in the person you are trying to educate.