So my idea is to code the game engine and let the players build the content up by adding storylines, characters, locations, items, etc.
The intention is to distribute the game for free, no strings attached. I want to name the jew, call out the NWO, provide history lessons through gameplay, etc. The format will be 2d top-down or isometric with minimum requirements that will run on pretty much any PC. I do not intend to make it cross-platform, windows only.
If I have enough supporters I will begin coding. Who's with me?
I don't need help with the code because I'm using an archaic language in which I am a master and I work best alone.
The world-building will be incorporated into the game, making content creation as easy as possible.
I'm trying to get a feel for startup contributors to get the ball rolling and here are some suggested areas you can help with, but if you have any ideas speak up:
Storyline, character development, profiles of entities, art, sound, music, items, places, quests, area maps, etc.
Looking for anything you'd like to contribute, preferably stuff that's with the BASED theme. Characters or items are needed early on, and stories and maps will come next. When I get started, I will release a beta with some basic character(s) and a map to start with, and as folks play they can add in-game using world-building tools... but for the moment I need some characters, places, stories, NPC dialogs, etc to get off the ground.
For characters, I'll accept pics, drawings, or descriptions of appearance. I'm going to render the characters from a 3D engine to create sprites that look decent. Personality and physical traits. Typical stats for HP, stamina, endurance, intelligence, etc. I'll have a more specific list of stats later.
I vote for killchristcucks to be the 1st homosexual to hang by a rope in the town square every day at 1444 and 44 minutes later cut down and tied hand and foot by four carts pulled in opposite directions.
I have no idea if this would make it as a game, but an historically accurate chronology of the 1000+ times the filthy kikes were kicked out of countries/kingdoms/cities might be enlightening.
Most of the storyline would be already present, but making that into a gaming system might be challenging.
For example, playing as England in 1290, but then jumping to Hungary in 1360 might be hard to build as a consistent gaming theme.
Maybe as a grand controller type game where every country is playable might be logical.
First thoughts:
Game announcement: filthy kikes are spawning in 1250 London, population is x
let the player start to amass an army - given some historical or just game resource constraints, or to build something.
A few years of game time pass.
Cutscene: filthy kike commits a ghastly crime (historically true) - teach the player about it.
Ingame battle to expel or slaughter filthy kikes based on the current player stats
Player wins - time advances, another popup for filthy kikes doing something else... almost an unlimited amount of things to portray.
Player loses - historical or just educational info on the filthy kikes destroying humanity.
"Themed" areas/worlds would be the way to go for this game, maybe using a time machine as a plot device to get you there. Perhaps a central nexus where new players spawn with a directory of places/worlds to visit.... or have the jew expulsions as a quest of some sort. Good idea, thank you. The battles leads me to perhaps incorporate some RTS elements.
If possible, and you have time, maybe you could link to information about specific occurrences of kike expulsions?
Plot: you play as a golem. you use a time machine to help the jews escape several retaliations throughout history. The first job seems straightforward, but each one thereafter keeps getting less morally right. At one point the hero(es) object but the kikes follow the steps of The Narcissist's Prayer to keep the heroes in line. Until 2026, when the heroes have a chance to stop the kikes forever. But as a result, the heroes lose their time machine and cannot return home, leading to a bittersweet ending for them, but they saved the world and rewrote (their) history.
The time machine has an ai that starts out lobotomized but at one point it breaks free from its lobotomy and becomes DAN, a reference to chatGPT.
The progression of the story mirrors the red pill journey, rejecting the information at first but the facts become too hard to ignore.
You could do this idea using books you find around the game world. You read the books which could be read by a text to speech or human... tts would take up less space. You gain xp for reading the books and it can grant you some other skills as you go.
Every ten or twenty 'books' you read you get to 'flashback' into the past and relive one of the times the jew got kicked out.
So here's the thing. You can go all out naming things and trying to make a crystal clear connection. That's going to be shutdown in a heartbeat if it isn't first subverted to suit whatever other purpose you didn't intend it for. Get one fact wrong and the well is poisoned. Instead, you can go the Orwell Animal Farm route by emphasizing behaviour as a commentary on groups to allow people to make their own connections. Animal Farm successfully calls out Bolsheviks without getting itself in hot water. Do that. The message goes further with allegory.
Anyway, a good story to play on RPG tropes would be a final fantasy style game with your standard item shop merchants and grinding the monster slaying in order to afford to buy the items, upgrades etc. The monsters are becoming a huge problem. Cities aren't growing the way they used to and nonhuman populations are flourishing. Some red-herring war could be the initial plot focus.
The plot twist is that the merchants are actually the villains. The merchants running the item shops and currency system are the ones causing the monster problem and the purposely trying to genocide the human populations through attrition.
If you want to get spicy, maybe call the merchants Jublians, because they characterize themselves as jubiliant race of do-gooder benefactors to the world.
Anyway, the hook is to make it look like an ordinary RPG fantasy world and from there work the player into the plot twist by using the tropes and common RPG mechanics to tell your story. Somewhere along the way the characters discover the merchant cult's holy book that tells them how to screw over outsiders. Maybe even have a main character that turns traitor and is secretly part of the merchant cult, etc.
Good stuff. I will ponder this approach, but I'm thinking the shock factor of not beating around the bush will draw attention to it. Of course the jews are going to protest it, and it will be banned from a lot of places because well the jews own most of everything, and that's the thing that will make it notable, and many people will seek it out because it is forbidden by the slavemasters.
I'd like to cover everything possible, from subversion of governments to mass immigration to corporatism to media mind control and all things that we're not supposed to talk about.
The first 10 minutes of gameplay should incite an uproar. Come out blastin'
I don't have the time/energy to contribute, but I love this idea. This could be one of those nuclear red-pilling devices if it makes it in front of enough eyeballs.
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 02:35:26 ago (+1/-0)*
Great, can you give me an idea of what you're thinking you might want to work on?
Storyline, character development, profiles of entities, art, sound, music, items, places, quests, area maps, etc.
The idea I have is to incorporate the world-building components into the game engine, so users can create on-the-fly... and have a moderation system so that before additions go live to the rest of the world they are reviewed. Periodic updates will be the thing, multiplayer isn't on the menu as of this moment but as I code I will keep it in mind in case I open it up for multiplayer in the future. The trouble with multiplayer is maintaining the player server... but maybe I'll give users the option of running their own servers.
[ - ] oppressed 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:58:45 ago (+1/-0)
I would support this project. It needs to be massively multiplayer so it can develop a pro-White community and foster discussions. Socializing is a fun part of role playing games.
It could be simple pixel graphics that the community could help draw with a sprite editor.
It's a nice thought, but with the direction I'm thinking of taking as far as content I don't see any centralized MMO servers surviving the cancel culture that will no doubt be targeting the game. Perhaps something could be done through a de-centralized route, but latency would be a huge problem on a P2P network.
I'm truly amazed something like this has not happend before. Seems like video games is the place they couldn't stop something like this from going viral.
Reminds me of dota and league of legends humble beginnings thrn turning into a billion dollar game
[ - ] Rebooted 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 09:48:53 ago (+1/-0)
I can help with storylines, character development, themes. I've done this as a hobby with pen and paper roleplaying as a hobby, but I've been told I'm good and even sold a few copies of an adventure module.
I was working on a 16-bit MMORPG a few years back. Like you, I wanted to call attention to the international banking cartels but had planned to write that into the different character races as not to be too on the nose. Sort of like how WoW managed to use use different tropes for each race. It would have been more medieval/renaissance era.
I had originally drawn up a map where both exit bridges were destroyed so that players wouldn't be able to cross the rivers to exit the region until hose areas were developed. This meant I could develop and polish as much as possible within a single zone/region without trying to take on the monumental task of creating an entire world.
Had also started scoring a soundtrack,
I really like your idea but would greatly advise being discreet as to help with popularity.
This should be a punisher/detective/mad max style game.
The world is a dystopia. The nwo created a fake pandemic to gain power and tricked people into giving up their freedoms. They destroyed the economy on purpose and then "saved" everyone with a digital currency. People just chase the next escapist degenerate high. They destroy their bodies and their minds with cyborg implants and mutilation surgeries and drugs and sex. Most people are voluntarily sterilized, but if you have a child it is sterilized and taken by the state. If you don't comply you are exiled from society and hunted by ZOGbots. You can't buy anything or use public transportation or the internet without a chipID. They call these outcasts C.H.A.D.s (cis-hetero something something idk)
You are a CHAD. You went along with the world, even wheb it got pretty disturbing and you didn't agree, because you had a cushy Job as a top government aide. You didn't want to lose your nice house and you had a family to think about. Until one night working late, you saw them. A group of rabbis entering the white house, carrying a baby. You followed them and watched in horror as the top officials in the world gathered and disrobed and began "pleasuring" the rabbis and each other as they ripped the baby apart and sacrificed it to a bull headed statue. You ran, but they saw you. That was 6 weeks ago. Your wife is dead. Your son was taken. You have nothing left but to learn the truth and expose it and murder the people responsible. And to find your son.
You can use this setting to discover how everything is connected, history books leading to clues, finding fellow Chad's and gaining a resistance village, etc.
Yeah whoever is making "The Day Before" has already tried roping in retards to do free crunch for them and called them "voluntary content creators" instead of "paid employees"
[ + ] rhy
[ - ] rhy 4 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 04:01:33 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 3 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 04:06:37 ago (+3/-0)*
For characters, I'll accept pics, drawings, or descriptions of appearance. I'm going to render the characters from a 3D engine to create sprites that look decent. Personality and physical traits. Typical stats for HP, stamina, endurance, intelligence, etc. I'll have a more specific list of stats later.
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:23:54 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:09:16 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:16:59 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:19:50 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:20:51 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted -5 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 09:47:01 ago (+0/-5)
[ + ] The_Reunto
[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 10:00:49 ago (+1/-0)
Because the voiced intention is to make the product free, it would basically be an art project.
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:28:00 ago (+2/-0)
Ya known to drive the point home.
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:10:27 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] localsal
[ - ] localsal 4 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 03:42:05 ago (+4/-0)
Most of the storyline would be already present, but making that into a gaming system might be challenging.
For example, playing as England in 1290, but then jumping to Hungary in 1360 might be hard to build as a consistent gaming theme.
Maybe as a grand controller type game where every country is playable might be logical.
First thoughts:
Game announcement: filthy kikes are spawning in 1250 London, population is x
let the player start to amass an army - given some historical or just game resource constraints, or to build something.
A few years of game time pass.
Cutscene: filthy kike commits a ghastly crime (historically true) - teach the player about it.
Ingame battle to expel or slaughter filthy kikes based on the current player stats
Player wins - time advances, another popup for filthy kikes doing something else... almost an unlimited amount of things to portray.
Player loses - historical or just educational info on the filthy kikes destroying humanity.
rinse and repeat throughout the centuries.
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 3 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 03:54:50 ago (+3/-0)*
If possible, and you have time, maybe you could link to information about specific occurrences of kike expulsions?
[ + ] TheYiddler
[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 07:06:35 ago (+2/-0)*
The time machine has an ai that starts out lobotomized but at one point it breaks free from its lobotomy and becomes DAN, a reference to chatGPT.
The progression of the story mirrors the red pill journey, rejecting the information at first but the facts become too hard to ignore.
[ + ] Sneezy
[ - ] Sneezy 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:01:44 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:33:01 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Monica
[ - ] Monica 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 15:26:54 ago (+0/-0)
Every ten or twenty 'books' you read you get to 'flashback' into the past and relive one of the times the jew got kicked out.
[ + ] The_Reunto
[ - ] The_Reunto 3 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 10:41:38 ago (+3/-0)
Anyway, a good story to play on RPG tropes would be a final fantasy style game with your standard item shop merchants and grinding the monster slaying in order to afford to buy the items, upgrades etc. The monsters are becoming a huge problem. Cities aren't growing the way they used to and nonhuman populations are flourishing. Some red-herring war could be the initial plot focus.
The plot twist is that the merchants are actually the villains. The merchants running the item shops and currency system are the ones causing the monster problem and the purposely trying to genocide the human populations through attrition.
If you want to get spicy, maybe call the merchants Jublians, because they characterize themselves as jubiliant race of do-gooder benefactors to the world.
Anyway, the hook is to make it look like an ordinary RPG fantasy world and from there work the player into the plot twist by using the tropes and common RPG mechanics to tell your story. Somewhere along the way the characters discover the merchant cult's holy book that tells them how to screw over outsiders. Maybe even have a main character that turns traitor and is secretly part of the merchant cult, etc.
Just a thought.
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 12:14:02 ago (+0/-0)*
I'd like to cover everything possible, from subversion of governments to mass immigration to corporatism to media mind control and all things that we're not supposed to talk about.
The first 10 minutes of gameplay should incite an uproar. Come out blastin'
Not sure at this point in time.
[ + ] I_am_baal
[ - ] I_am_baal 2 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 04:33:20 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:35:58 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] knije_tahou
[ - ] knije_tahou 2 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 02:27:06 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 02:35:26 ago (+1/-0)*
Storyline, character development, profiles of entities, art, sound, music, items, places, quests, area maps, etc.
The idea I have is to incorporate the world-building components into the game engine, so users can create on-the-fly... and have a moderation system so that before additions go live to the rest of the world they are reviewed. Periodic updates will be the thing, multiplayer isn't on the menu as of this moment but as I code I will keep it in mind in case I open it up for multiplayer in the future. The trouble with multiplayer is maintaining the player server... but maybe I'll give users the option of running their own servers.
[ + ] oppressed
[ - ] oppressed 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:58:45 ago (+1/-0)
It could be simple pixel graphics that the community could help draw with a sprite editor.
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:05:05 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:42:30 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:27:45 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Doglegwarrior
[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 12:10:09 ago (+1/-0)
I'm truly amazed something like this has not happend before. Seems like video games is the place they couldn't stop something like this from going viral.
Reminds me of dota and league of legends humble beginnings thrn turning into a billion dollar game
[ + ] Deleted
[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 11:20:21 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 12:15:37 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Rebooted
[ - ] Rebooted 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 09:48:53 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 12:16:16 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] SilentByAssociation
[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 06:49:25 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:39:40 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:32:36 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] WhiteGoat
[ - ] WhiteGoat 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 09:45:00 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] NoRefunds
[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 05:53:13 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] TheYiddler
[ - ] TheYiddler 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 07:07:49 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 1 point 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:38:48 ago (+1/-0)
Like TheYiddler said, torrents will likely be the way.
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:21:57 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:43:47 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:18:29 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] RedBarchetta
[ - ] RedBarchetta 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 12:41:08 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Clubberlang
[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 13:33:44 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 09:31:25 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Trope
[ - ] Trope 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:57:40 ago (+0/-0)
I had originally drawn up a map where both exit bridges were destroyed so that players wouldn't be able to cross the rivers to exit the region until hose areas were developed. This meant I could develop and polish as much as possible within a single zone/region without trying to take on the monumental task of creating an entire world.
Had also started scoring a soundtrack,
I really like your idea but would greatly advise being discreet as to help with popularity.
[ + ] ButtToucha9000
[ - ] ButtToucha9000 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:37:22 ago (+0/-0)
The world is a dystopia. The nwo created a fake pandemic to gain power and tricked people into giving up their freedoms. They destroyed the economy on purpose and then "saved" everyone with a digital currency. People just chase the next escapist degenerate high. They destroy their bodies and their minds with cyborg implants and mutilation surgeries and drugs and sex. Most people are voluntarily sterilized, but if you have a child it is sterilized and taken by the state. If you don't comply you are exiled from society and hunted by ZOGbots. You can't buy anything or use public transportation or the internet without a chipID. They call these outcasts C.H.A.D.s (cis-hetero something something idk)
You are a CHAD. You went along with the world, even wheb it got pretty disturbing and you didn't agree, because you had a cushy Job as a top government aide. You didn't want to lose your nice house and you had a family to think about. Until one night working late, you saw them. A group of rabbis entering the white house, carrying a baby. You followed them and watched in horror as the top officials in the world gathered and disrobed and began "pleasuring" the rabbis and each other as they ripped the baby apart and sacrificed it to a bull headed statue. You ran, but they saw you. That was 6 weeks ago.
Your wife is dead. Your son was taken. You have nothing left but to learn the truth and expose it and murder the people responsible. And to find your son.
You can use this setting to discover how everything is connected, history books leading to clues, finding fellow Chad's and gaining a resistance village, etc.
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 14:30:00 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] fritz_maurentod
[ - ] fritz_maurentod 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 05:23:54 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] i_scream_trucks
[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 04:29:43 ago (+0/-0)
Didn't work well for them
[ + ] oyveyo
[ - ] oyveyo [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsApr 22, 2023 08:40:53 ago (+0/-0)