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Invite only right wing group advertising in the guardian

submitted by CasualObserver to whatever 1.3 yearsAug 22, 2023 22:03:27 ago (+2/-0)     (archive.vn)


Charles Haywood, creator of the Society for American Civic Renewal, has said he might serve as ‘warlord’ at the head of an ‘armed patronage network’

1 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 1.3 yearsAug 22, 2023 22:08:42 ago (+2/-0)

"Heidi Beirich is co-founder of the Global Project on Hate and Extremism and an expert of the far right. She characterized the rhetoric on the website as “palingenetic ultranationalism”, a feature of fascism that proposes a revolution as a means of national rebirth."

Fuck you heidi beirich, playing your bullshit jewish games. The very existence of the United States is hate and extremism to every single jew.