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Are all the shared org accounts (like Conspirologist) intended to create fatigue?

submitted by FuckShitJesus to whatever 11 monthsOct 30, 2023 10:33:26 ago (+23/-2)     (whatever)

Sure seems to be effective, makes all the normies get excited but then they never do anything because of over-fatigued by constant barrage of bad news.

63 comments block

rzr97 16 points 11 months ago

Wait until you realize MasterFoo, UncleDoug, NationSocialism, NationalSocialistWorker, chrimony and about a dozen others are all paid jew infiltrators designed to push wedge issues like Christianity vs Paganism vs Atheism just to kick sand in the gears and push people away from sites like this.

The big tell is these kikes would rather constantly pick on Christians than win against jews. It's funny as hell when you finally see it.