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A Good Take on Shootings

submitted by VaccineWaters to whatever 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 11:03:44 ago (+82/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


31 comments block

[ - ] RabbiKinderschtupper 9 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 12:09:14 ago (+9/-0)

School shootings in particular are fake and gay.

At an old job, I used to deliver office supplies to schools. It's a massive pain in the ass to even get in the front door, much less into the main part of the school. There are mantraps, doors that need keycards, manual overrides from someone in the main office, cameras everywhere, etc. I recently worked with local schools to update tech equipment for the school resource officers and it was a huge pain, even with the SRO knowing we were coming, AND being with representatives of the Sheriff's office.

Mention any of this to a normie and watch them bluescreen.

[ - ] allAheadFull 4 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 17:07:16 ago (+4/-0)

Things didn't used to be that way though...

[ - ] deleted 3 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:50:12 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:53:23 ago (+0/-0)

Did the mom that ran into the Uvalde school ever win an award or did the jewnews just memory hole her bravery and instead awarded it to the troon that shot up the school like fauci winning an ethics award?

[ - ] Bufordxl 5 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 14:58:20 ago (+5/-0)

The biggest Fact, that They try so hard to cover up is, Chicago+ gun control= 762 murders every year, Which IS the proof that Law Enforcement Can NOT and Will NOT protect the Citizen. NY City, LA, San. Fran. and Houston are exactly the same. Restrict the Citizen has NEVER restricted the criminal.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:56:22 ago (+1/-0)

It usually works out that the laws enacted to protect end up hindering the job performance of those who willing sign up to do the job of protecting.

Because jews.

[ - ] CHIRO 5 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 12:57:58 ago (+5/-0)*

Let me play devil's advocate, if only just to give you an idea of what someone from the other side of the fence, who isn't astonishingly stupid, might say.

The type of individual who is motivated by good reasons to target certain individuals for violent acts is also likelier to be the rational sort. By contrast, the type of people who commit these mass shootings might target random people for two important reasons (and they're related):

(i) they are irrational; their violent outburst is not the result of being motivated by particulars, but is instead a desperate means of lashing out that results from a psychotic break that may have been years in the making

(ii) killing random, unsuspecting, and unprepared (untrained) people is just the sort of thing people who feel powerless might do; compare with the abusive parent who abuses their child because they are angry at something about their life or the world; these people will often lash out at those who are weaker than they are, frankly, because that makes it easier to bring oneself to the act per se (irrespective of the consequences)

[ - ] deleted 3 points 1.2 yearsOct 31, 2023 09:21:20 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] CHIRO 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 31, 2023 09:35:10 ago (+0/-0)*

Good answer; and I think this kind of analysis is the way to go. Let me suggest another categorization and see what you think:

1. Lifestyle Violence (violence that is expected per the activities of gangs and other kinds of participation in organized crime)

2. Crisis Violence (violence that results from psychological trauma without adequate outlets; aggravated by drugs and abuse; tends to result from desperation rather than premeditation, traditionally conceived)

3. Conspiratorial Violence

(3A) Vengeance (crimes of passion, e.g., murdering the person with whom your spouse is having an affair; this is violence that, unlike lifestyle violence, is not expected given one's activities/associations)

(3B) Instrumental (violence in which the crime is not the end in itself, but a means to something else)

(3B.i) Apolitical (life insurance fraud, murder of a witness to a crime, etc.)

(3B.ii) Political (false flag mass shootings, events meant to induce changes in policy/regulation)

(3C) Religious (violence that targets large numbers of a particular class of persons indiscriminately, and which is motivated by religious belief)

So, a false flag shooting organized by authorities would be an example of a Political Instrumental form of violence under the broader category of Conspiratorial violence. The debate will now turn to the question of whether the false flag is successful at convincing people it is an example of (2) rather than (3B.ii). This makes things quite difficult because what the false flag is really attempting to do (since Columbine, say) is revise the category (2). The move for us would be to show that Crisis violence does not cause us to expect violence against total strangers en masse. Crisis violence might mean lashing out against an individual (picture the troubled child who acts violently toward a school counselor or something), but would more often demonstrate violence toward non-strangers (friends and/or family members). It seems that the powers that be have been successful, however, in convincing people that there is a distinct kind of Crisis violence in which the troubled person seeks to kill as many innocent people as possible, which starts to conflate Crisis violence with Religious Instrumental violence. Put simply, the false flag is conflating two categories in order to create a new type of category: mixing terrorism with psychological crisis.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 11:51:57 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] JustALover 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 12:05:20 ago (+2/-1)

They don't work on you, no. But they work on 90% of the population (the same percentage that took the vaxxxx). And the same 90% will do as they are told 100% of the time.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 16:26:15 ago (+3/-1)


[ - ] canbot 2 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 16:34:10 ago (+2/-0)

I doubt it is that low. Officially the claim is 75% or so, and I know that is high because of napkin shots and over reporting. Realistically 20% might be fake. That is still over 50% who got it.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 18:34:55 ago (+0/-0)

It looks like around 10% didn't take the vax, at least 90% did. They didn't make billions of the vaccines just to throw them away. They got used.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 20:42:01 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] rhy 2 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 16:42:31 ago (+3/-1)

It's way less than 90%. The ((media)) lies about what percentage of the population that is indoctrinated too.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 17:39:41 ago (+1/-1)

Explains why 95% of the population obeyed every single flu hoax regulation and got poisoned injections, right?

Oh no, you’re just fucking wrong and scrambling to make yourself feel better irrespective of objective truth.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 18:34:03 ago (+0/-0)

No way. I thought so at first too but then I slowly watched over 99% of people I saw in public wear masks. Those same people would get any flu shot the government told them too. You have way to much hopium in your system.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:58:03 ago (+0/-0)

Kangajews your thoughts?

[ - ] Tallest_Skil -1 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 17:38:36 ago (+1/-2)

lol I’ll never fight back you can’t trick me

YOU’RE the one who has lost

Fucking kill yourself.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 20:43:02 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 20:44:01 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] DoughGoy 3 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 17:02:22 ago (+3/-0)

I think some of the shootings are fake, possibly most of them. But I imagine some of the shooters got picked on and feel cheated so much, that they see normal happy people as their enemy and responsible for their pain. But it still doesn't make sense why we don't see mass shootings against authority groups.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:51:17 ago (+1/-0)

He basically stated we're living in a jew run 24hr psyop

[ - ] Name 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 31, 2023 07:16:12 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. It’s pretty complex. One of the most important things that they obfuscate is other methods of violence besides the AR 15.

[ - ] prototype 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 31, 2023 19:12:23 ago (+0/-0)

Not hard to determine how the public will react to the full truth. When the full scope of the crimes and outrageous lies of the CIA and FBI are revealed, I predict the fires over langley and D.C. will burn continuously for four straight years and no one who ever worked for them in any capacity whatsoever will be safe from the reaction of the public.

Which is a shame, because its statistically unlikely that every single person who works for them is a bad guy.

I predict purge-style mob justice is probably coming in the long run, a great and terrible 'rage out', a 'day of rage' thats not measured in hours, or days, but in months and years.

You'd have to be fucking stupid not to see it coming. Jibs well with the description of a fourth turning. They're gonna fail to stop it and regardless of what side they claim to support, they're gonna face the same thing the unelected and pseudo-elected faced during the french reign of terror.

I'm actually pretty surprised at the level of cupidity and stupidity running the u.s., that they haven't decided to clean house just to prevent the destabilization of the u.s. in the medium-term is remarkable.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 17:46:44 ago (+1/-0)

I’ve always thought this. As a person who would never shoot up a bunch of people, if I were to shoot up a bunch of people, it would be a bunch I had a problem with.

[ - ] GodDoesNotExist 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 13:21:47 ago (+1/-0)

Nice try CIA

[ - ] ModernGuilt 1 point 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 12:29:13 ago (+1/-0)

My personal cope is that randos are popping off on their bosses and politicians, but the media colludes to cover up the entire event, lest anyone get inspired

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 19:49:12 ago (+0/-0)

Not just the CIA.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 1.2 yearsOct 30, 2023 14:35:09 ago (+0/-0)

Distinguish a random shooting from the ones targeted at a group they don't like.