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What’s your favorite conspiracy?

submitted by Native to whatever 10 monthsNov 26, 2023 02:15:39 ago (+15/-0)     (whatever)

Alright you niggerfaggots (what a beautiful word!)

No judgement, what’s your favorite conspiracy? You don’t have to believe it; you simply like it.

1. There was a global Christian monarchy that ruled earth for 1,000years called Tartaria that lasted up till the 1700’s and then Satan was let loose to destroy earth and corrupt humanity.

2. The earth is obviously and observably flat

Now, you HAVE to FIRST post your favorite conspiracy and then you can ask/debate mine

81 comments block

Not_C 19 points 10 months ago

420 was turned into marijuana day so that people would get stoned instead of celebrating Hitler's birthday.