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Went to a Christian retreat: felt more like a combination of cult worship with blatant corporate adverts

submitted by niggaswaywhat to Rants 5 monthsApr 13, 2024 14:09:36 ago (+7/-2)     (Rants)

Went to a retreat over the weekend, and holy crap, I never realized just how commercialized these events are. They had a guy come from a really big Christian company, explaining the perils of running a business. Did he answer any questions about Christianity within a business environment? Fuck no! It was just a massive advertisement for his company. That's all it was, just an hour long seminar on buying his shit mixed with some Bible verses. Did I want to hear it? Not really. But as is tradition, I get dragged to these events by family, so why not at least have some fun with their content.

My friend even made fun of me about this, he said that organized religion and me simply dont mix. You can not mix a free thinking individual, with whatever the fuck it is I witnessed. What makes these events so funny to me, is they constantly clamor about not labelling Christianity ... and yet within 5 minutes i can predict the ENTIRE sermon of what someone will say, because I properly labelled the core theological principal used. And its true, most modern day pastors all went to the same schools, learned the same concepts, applied the same approaches. There is very little to ZERO difference between two modern day pastors.

And of course odinism made its way into the conversation because god forbid these neo marxist pastors ever look into WHY people are rejecting the modern day church. I can't imagine odinism is THAT popular, but the rejection of the modern church has nothing to do with odinism. Dont matter, most pastors will just mix the two together. God forbid the people Christian pastors have been shitting on for 50+ years grow a backbone and actually try to fix a problem. Best to do jack fuck and sit there whilst your enemy kills you.

10 comments block

Its exhausting trying to find a meaningful connection. I might have a decent church again, but I've only been there two weeks.

If you aren't familiar with him, you might enjoy the works of Soren Kierkegaard. I understand he felt the same way towards the institution of the church.