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Final Health Update

submitted by Panic to TellUpgoat 7 monthsMay 25, 2024 14:38:06 ago (+47/-1)     (TellUpgoat)

A month or so ago, I told you goats about my foot infection. Well, I just got hme from the eleven day stay in a hospital. Three surgeries. Luckily only lost half a toe. It was a MRSA infection damn near killed me. Major antibiotics. But here I am back at home. Think I'm gonna make it. https://i.postimg.cc/nrw9R8xT/IMG-3731.jpg

Thanks for all the support, frends. And hoping the site isn't bought out by AIPAC in my absence.

119 comments block

It was the second most important toe. You're nearly worthless now. If you lose your right big toe then there really isn't much of a life left for you. Stop engaging in homosexual practices.