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@tallest_skil, when you wake up tomorrow, try to think of two things you are grateful for

submitted by CasualObserver to Tallest_Skil_Therapy_Time 6 monthsJul 15, 2024 22:54:31 ago (+15/-2)     (Tallest_Skil_Therapy_Time)

Living your life with gratitude helps you notice the little wins—like the bus showing up right on time, a stranger holding the door for you, or the sun shining through your window when you wake up in the morning. Each of these small moments strings together to create a web of well-being that, over time, strengthens your ability to notice the good.

26 comments block

How about people here start taking the jew seriously instead of believing they are low iq idiots.

That really says alot about the intelligence of Whites when we can be controlled by "low iq fools".