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Good morning @Tallest_Skil, thanks for coming back. let's dive into your post here:

submitted by CasualObserver to Tallest_Skil_Therapy_Time 6 monthsJul 16, 2024 08:15:32 ago (+5/-1)     (Tallest_Skil_Therapy_Time)

I disagree with my ontological enemies being dead

Then you’ve already lost to them. I don’t know how much more clearly this can be stated.

First off, you refrained from asking me to kill myself here, which is great.

Is it a more powerful position to become a victim of my ontologic enemies and sit impotent until they are all dead -or- understand that you have a choice in how you deal with sin (which isn't going anywhere), accept it for what it is, have some white babies and raise them properly?

Based on your claimed victim status, white babies are good, right?

Keep up the good work buddy, you've made some progress today.

16 comments block

I literally created an entire board for personal attacks

Do you feel like I've attacked you in any way on this board?
Would you please cite your sources and references?
Thanks buddy!