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I just wanted to pop in to say fuck this gay ass clown world.

submitted by BoraxTheFungarian to whatever 5 monthsJul 30, 2024 00:33:02 ago (+47/-0)     (whatever)

And thank you to everyone who lives their lives honestly, even if you're a bit crazy.

24 comments block

Sector2 0 points 5 months ago

Return to a focus on what’s happening around you.

I don't need to overdose on the retardation. I dip into it online a bit, and that's already too much. It's not just social engineering, it's the trannies and homos IRL, and up to 98% of all people outside wearing the mask. (per count of ~450 people)

Then there are the supposedly 'like minded' who vote for jews, support jewish supremacy with their 'income taxes', and sell the use of their minds and bodies to the highest bidders.

Good strategy for kids in their breeding years though. Let the hormones rage and keep your mind off the reality of our situation. Maybe look just enough to locate yourself outside of the cull zones.
