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Anyone have advice or resources on starting a small business ?

submitted by SirNiggsalot to whatever 1 weekOct 1, 2024 14:30:29 ago (+18/-0)     (whatever)

I'm trying to be more productive in life , I'd like to start a little side thing,

I'm sick of being a goy wage slave. I'm not especially bright , but I'm honest and hard working .

I'm thinking a cleaning business, or something similar.
I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on setting up.legally, insurance taxes all that crap.

Thanks faggots

50 comments block

Do something boring. Own a FedEx or UPS route, laundry mat, car wash etc. I don't like food businesses but some people love em. Look up franchises not necessarily to do one, just to see what other people are doing. Also, talk to the sales people and see what they are offering. Again, just for learning. If something makes sense, do it.
Look up businesses for sale - things like mowing or snow clearing may have a huge book of existing business but the guy cant drive the truck any more. That can be a way to get a business for pennies on the dollar, but it would be owner/operator until you get a good manager.
You could build a drop shipping business (look up what drop shipping is) or maybe bundle goods like shaving gift kits to provide added value. Engraving, 3d print services... Land flipping based on late taxes(often someone died- you buy the lot, pay the taxes and flip it).
There are vids on my YouTube on all of this.