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Rabbi Zognald Trumpstein, "the LEAST pro-Israel president since Carter", called Netanyajoo to congratulate him on invading Lebanon

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 2 monthsOct 9, 2024 16:25:09 ago (+1/-2)     (www.informationliberation.com)


Former President Donald Trump called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "congratulate" him for the "intense and determined operations" Israel has carried out in their rapidly expanding war on Hezbollah.

Trump "called Netanyahu last week and 'congratulated him on the intense and determined operations that Israel carried out against Hezbollah,' according to Netanyahu's office," the AP reported on Tuesday.

"A Trump ally, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joined that call," the AP added.


According to Israeli media, Trump called Netanyahu last week to congratulate him on invading Lebanon. "Netanyahu's office added that Trump called Netanyahu on his own initiative." Also participating in the call: Lindsey Graham pic.twitter.com/Bg3gkR5xcH

"The LEAST pro Israel president since Carter" - FreeinTX

^ credit to Spaceman84 for highlighting the aforementioned mega retardation

42 comments block

No one is saying that Trump is America First. And, I doubt anyone has suggested that Trump hasn't turned zionist over the last 1.5 years.

No one, here, is being fooled. You, however, are huffing your own farts like it's potpourri. Why is that?

You literally have 1 downvoat on this post.