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I don't care if you don't like Elon musk. This morning the largest rocket booster ever launched by far just landed and was caught in mid-air by the launch Tower it launched from minutes prior. Start at 2 hours and 28 minutes for the good stuff

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 monthOct 13, 2024 11:31:55 ago (+55/-8)     (www.youtube.com)


You can also watch about a half hour later as the upper stage also comes through the upper atmosphere with live video the whole time including all the plasma as it reenters and it lands in the ocean. The whole rocket this morning the whole launch was a complete success. The booster did exactly what it was supposed to do and recovered and the upper stage made it all the way back down to the land and landed right where it was supposed to in the ocean.

If the Jews don't kill us first we might actually have an amazing future

39 comments block

That was Ai, not real!