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Tranny propaganda (graphic novel) has been classified as unrestricted material for Australian youth.

submitted by UncleDoug to Australia 2 weeksOct 30, 2024 08:28:10 ago (+24/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Gender Queer classified Unrestricted (M – Not recommended for readers under 15 years)

The Review Board found that the publication’s depictions of sex and nudity were justified in the context of a non-fiction memoir describing the author’s lived experience.

The classification board is full of faggots, danger hairs and commies, openly promoting non-fictional faggotry.

Court orders review of Gender Queer book’s classification after challenge by Australian rightwing activist

Complaints about the book – which details Kobabe’s experience coming out as non-binary – are focused on the cartoon images of sex scenes, one of which has been described by critics seeking a ban as “pornographic” and “paedophilic”.

“The fundamental flaw in that submission is that, as I have said above, the Review Board’s description of the public submissions overwhelmingly being ‘broadly anti-LGBTQIA+’ demonstrates that the review board ignored, overlooked or misunderstood those submissions,” he said.

These review board faggots quite literally ignoring hundreds of submissions protesting promotional faggotry, because they found detractors had an issue with paedophilia and ass rape and that cant be tolerated in clown world.

The Federal Court has found that the Classification Review Board got it wrong by classifying the book “Gender Queer” as unrestricted. Hundreds of submissions to the Board criticised the book as pornographic and harmful to children.

19 comments block

dass 1 points 2 weeks ago

Ah ok, gotcha. Tanx.