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People need to understand time machines exist and some people have them. It's no more amazing than splitting the tiny atom was. Someone figured out how to do it and they have it and that's that. It doesn't change everything but it changes some things. Get used to the idea.

submitted by Crackinjokes to technology 1 monthOct 31, 2024 13:13:17 ago (+4/-1)     (technology)

People need to understand time machines exist and some people have them.

It's no more amazing than splitting the tiny atom was.

Someone figured out how to do it and they have it and that's that.

It doesn't change everything but it changes some things.

Get used to the idea.

19 comments block

Lol, shooting laser at a crystal moving thousand of miles an hour hile we spin and hitting no resistance along the way. These idiots will believe anything id it reinforces their indoctrination.

So trivial he can't replicate the experiment but believes in institutions that say they can.

Boomer moon landings Believers will always be good goys