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A new low: Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon Euthanized by New York Officials

submitted by snowpeach to news 1 monthNov 2, 2024 13:54:53 ago (+38/-0)     (www.eonline.com)


Peanut the squirrel was seized by New York state authorities alongside a raccoon named Fred, both animals were confirmed to have been euthanized by authorities.

Two days after the animals’ owner, Mark Longo, said they had been seized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the agency confirmed to NBC News that the critters had been euthanized to test for rabies.

Congratulations, now you have full blown communism in USA.

27 comments block

I'm impressed the person who supposedly reported peanut's owner got doxxed. I think they've found the trigger for right wing social media mobs.