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Zynga founder (((Marc Pincus))) and lifelong Dem says "America and Israel will be stronger under Trump." I guess he missed the memo that Trump is "the LEAST pro-Israel president since Carter."

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to news 1 monthNov 4, 2024 18:50:03 ago (+3/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)



I am voting for Trump.

I have been a lifelong Dem, supporting the past 4 presidential campaigns at $1m each (including Biden/Harris).

This past year i have seen too much.

Israel is America’s most loyal ally and the only Democracy in the Middle East. It is fighting Iran on 7 fronts and yet it can no longer trust the US.

Anti semitism in America is reaching levels not seen since pre WWII.

And there seems to be a war against freedom of speech. Happily MSM is no longer trusted but if our sources of free speech like X are censored we move a step closer to Russia and China where the state is the only voice allowed.

I know America will continue to be great under the Dems or Trump.

And yet i think America and Israel will be stronger under Trump.

My vote doesnt matter since i live in a one party state. But i feel its important that i state my position anyway.

That's weird, I heard that Trump only turned zionist in the last 1.5 years.

16 comments block

You are the biggest nigger, and a faggot. That makes you a niggerfaggot.

This is why I can never go back to mainstream websites.

I'd miss you.