As a 1993-vintage militia-conservative and anarcho-capitalist, I want to thank the Deep State Liberals for what they did to GEOTUS (God Emperor of the United States, Donald J. Tump.)
If the Deep State Liberals had behaved ethically, GEOTUS would be months from leaving office without ever locking up even one of them. Instead, they stole an election from him, prosecuted him, convicted him of felonies, and gave him PTSD. Now he is out for blood.
If the Deep State Liberals had not stolen the 2020 Presidential Election, Trump would have been limited to 2 terms. Now that we have 100% proof of election fraud in every election in our lifetimes, elections are no longer a credible way to select leaders. Even if you think the 2026 and 2028 elections could be fair, Trump has an out: The 22nd Amendment would have banned GEOTUS from running for POTUS a third time after serving 2 terms as POTUS, but the Deep State Liberals did not complain when he ran for a 3rd time and won for a 3rd time. They had their chance in our adversarial system, and they blew it. Now it is too late to argue against GEOTUS serving the 3 terms he was elected to.
If the Deep State Liberals had acted ethically, nobody in power would have wanted to destroy federal law enforcement agencies; they would have wanted to use that power. The desire to obliterate power you could wield only comes from PTSD, like the cops gave me when they sexually abused me. Now that the FBI spied on our GEOTUS just like they spied on us anarchists; now that federal law enforcement has waged war against GEOTUS and his supporters like they waged war against us anarchists, we have people in power with PTSD who genuinely want to destroy those agencies.
If the Deep State Liberals had acted ethically, Trump would have been another country-club Republican and left the American Empire alone. Now that GEOTUS is back in charge (and suffering from PTSD,) he has appointed an O-4 from the Army National Guard as SecDef to disassemble the American Empire and convert us back to a Constitututionally-based militia system.
he has appointed an O-4 from the Army National Guard as SecDef to disassemble the American Empire and convert us back to a Constitututionally-based militia system.
Don't bet the farm/hold your breath/double down on this belief.
Sector2 4 points 3 weeks ago
Don't bet the farm/hold your breath/double down on this belief.