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Humans in spaceships or singularity?

submitted by titstitstits to AskUpgoat 2 weeksNov 29, 2024 10:39:14 ago (+7/-1)     (AskUpgoat)

One thing I don't get about Elon Musk is he wants to make human civilization multiplanetary while simultaneously acknowledging the reality bending impact of the technological singularity.

That is, he seems to envision a future where humans are flying around the solar system in rockets. At the same time he is aware that a technological singularity will change what it means to be "human" at a fundamental level. The idea of flying around non-augmented humans in a spaceship will seems as preposterous then as it does now to the type of people who think space is fake and gay. Of course at a minimum you will:

- genetically alter people to be ultra physically fit, emotionally stable, and intelligent.
- add cybernetic implants to keep them in peak health and repair damage from solar radiation and whatnot
- neuralink them

and at that point they aren't even what we would recognize as human. and honestly, i think the near term future (20-30 years) will be farrrr wilder than that. So what the hell is Elon thinking. He seems to hold two diametrically opposed views in his head at the same time.

13 comments block

#3 describes #2 better. The Neurolink will alter your reality once the singularity allows them to be installed as a matter of course.