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My Arguments for Catholicism

submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 1 monthNov 30, 2024 12:29:05 ago (+2/-1)     (www.youtube.com)


What are the best arguments for Catholicism?

I am often accused of making circular arguments for the Catholic Church. This has caused me to present my short case for the four reasons Catholicism is true. I hope this video brings you clarity (even if you disagree.)

19 comments block

[ - ] CHIRO 2 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:07:04 ago (+2/-0)*

iSnark, is that your channel or were you just pasting a description of that creator's video beneath the video here?

So, I think he (you?) makes a great point initially, which has to do with what Scripture can justify. In my exchange with you yesterday, I claimed (and still believe) that Scripture cannot justify Catholicism on its own. But I could have expanded this claim in a way that would align more closely with the argument being made here: I don't think Scripture alone can justify any specific institution -- on the contrary, Scripture could feasibly exclude some faith systems whose doctrines are obviously in contradiction with it, e.g., a doctrine that Jesus is evil, or that sin is not real, or that we are individually self-sufficient as regards our salvation. Barring things like that, I don't think Scripture alone can justify any specific institution.

The historical argument is much stronger. Although, this gets us into the weeds of historiography and historicity.

For example, Keith makes a claim that is (very) probably wrong about the Gospels shortly before the 5-min mark. He says that there was a tradition of early Christian writings that came to constitute the Gospels. This is (very) probably untrue. There may have been some sayings collections and short lyrical verses in circulation. The concept of proto-gospels, ala the documentary hypothesis (Q-source, M-source, L-source, yada yada), is fraught with controversy and very little evidence. The strongest evidence supports the case that the synoptic Gospel tradition begins with Mark, that these emerged after the destruction of the Temple, were written for a largely Greek-speaking audience, and had unknown authors who were highly educated for the time (almost certainly in Roman schools). The idea that there was an early apostolic written corpus that informed the later Gospels is probably a fiction.

At the end of the day, what can't be argued with is this: a Catholic Tradition exists. That Tradition bears the internal claim that it is original, and it roots itself in the writings of the earliest Church fathers and in the authority of the author of Luke-Acts. They claim this. This claim has been maintained longer (by a large margin) by Catholicism qua institution than it has by any other Christian group (adherents of EO are going to disagree, but this is internal, not a dispute about Catholicism per se).

Faith in Catholicism is faith in that Tradition. Per arguments I've had with devoted Catholics over the last several years, this is even more fundamentally faith in people, in one's fellow man. One must trust in the authenticity of a group of people who lived long ago, who they will never meet in this lifetime.

You might think this is most fundamentally faith in God to have 'supernaturally managed' this Tradition through history, but you actually can't start there unless you reject certain aspects of the Catholic faith. If God can directly certify Catholicism to you personally, then God could just as easily directly certify the correct interpretation of Scripture to you personally (which sounds an awful lot like Protestant beliefs). So, the faith is rooted fundamentally in a Tradition that makes historical claims about their own origination, and these are what the Catholic must believe.

[ - ] Love240 2 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 15:37:08 ago (+2/-0)

Faith in Catholicism is faith in that Tradition.

And tradition that goes directly against the written Word of God.

Catholicism is heresy.

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 1 monthNov 30, 2024 15:43:31 ago (+1/-0)

Even without considering all the child rape.

[ - ] iSnark [op] 1 point 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:24:09 ago (+1/-0)*

Hey Chiro, It's not my Channel, I just linked from that Content Creator...

[ - ] iSnark [op] 1 point 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:58:41 ago (+1/-0)

So as I read through this, I recognize how well written and formed your argument is, probably in the top-tier of responses that I receive regarding Catholicism and the Church. The ultimate reason that Mankind is on this Earth is to struggle our way back to Heaven. We lost Heaven in the Garden of Eden, and were cast out. So now. we don't have the Clarity that Adam & Eve had, nor the closeness to God that they enjoyed. Today we struggle with confusion, and temptations, to work out our Salvation so that we may know Peace in the nest life beyond Death. The devil works hard to obscure of vision so that we can't see clearly enough to see the Truth that Christ brought to us. And so we sit on this board, or other boards like this, and argue & dispute the nature of Faith & Salvation. The Catholic Church is a rich repository of the Faith. Now sometimes, elements of that Faith get obscured and even twisted by those that are not Catholic. One thing is for sure, one day, we will understand what this is really all about, and who was right, and who was wrong.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:18:20 ago (+0/-0)

Imagine being so cucked, you make excuses to enslave yourself to a Jew.

[ - ] iSnark [op] 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:22:54 ago (+0/-0)

Imagine being so cucked, as to deny Christ, the Son of God...

[ - ] Ducktalesooo000ooo 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:28:43 ago (+0/-0)

Change “be not afraid/have no fear” to “have courage”, and change “cast out” to “behead” and you’ll be fine.

[ - ] iSnark [op] 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 14:14:55 ago (+0/-0)

I guess that we could behead @Master_Foo, that might shut him up, though maybe not, he'd just be a disembodied head yammering on about whatever...

[ - ] Ducktalesooo000ooo 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 14:17:31 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 09:47:01 ago (+0/-0)

Why can't you declare your Jew-Pope illegitimate?

[ - ] iSnark [op] 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 11:32:15 ago (+0/-0)

I have very definite thoughts about this Pope, But, I'm pretty low on the totem pole, I don't get to make those calls. A Pope is different than a Political leader, like say a President, or a King, etc... Heaven has a large say in who ultimately hols the Chair of St. Peter. We may have to Pope that we have now as a punishment for being dismissive of our Catholic Church, focusing instead on Worldly pursuits. In Gods' time, he may provide a good & Holy Pope that unites the Catholic Church and removes the insanity we've faced since the Godless liberal infiltrated the One True Church. We are seeing the smarter of the Catholic Youth, turning to and seeking out the Old Mass. It's every good Catholics' prayer that the Old Mass reigns supreme again in every Catholic Church! I've heard it said that "People don't hate the Catholic Church, They Hate what they think the Catholic Church is."

From time to time, I've given you a good amount of shit on this board, and some of our discussions have been rather heated, but I do so as a friend. I've prayed you, and others here often. I consider myself to be rather intelligent, I am NOT a weak sheep nor cow, If I didn't truly believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior, I would have walked away from Catholicism in my mid-teens. Catholicism, though hijacked by Godless liberals is much different than what we see today. I rather hate to see what they've done to my Church, but I know, that this Church will never be defeated! The Hand of God is upon this Church, and its Faithful.

Peace Foo!

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 12:17:13 ago (+0/-0)

That's a lot of words just to say you support a corrupt religion.
The Catholic Pope is Jesus Christ's Vicar on Earth.
Either you accept him as legitimate, or you forsake the whole machine, including Christ, for not controlling his dog.

[ - ] iSnark [op] 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 12:21:50 ago (+0/-0)

I will never reject Christ. Do you not understand that satan attacks the One True Church!

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 12:22:29 ago (+0/-0)

Did Satan install your Jew-Pope?

[ - ] iSnark [op] 0 points 1 monthDec 7, 2024 12:34:35 ago (+0/-0)

satan has been around forever, he's had his fingers in just about everything. Yes, The current Pope is a Globalist asset. We don't like it. But, HE is the current Head of the Catholic Church. And I think that He's inadvertently done much good for the Catholic Church. He has awakened the call for Traditionalism, My son tells me that he and his friends are all about the Traditional Latin Mass! The TLM is "underground" right now, but the yoots are seeking it out, Seminaries are reporting a sizable shift toward conservative Seminarians. The future bodes well for Catholicism....

I wish you could see a real Traditional Latin Mass in person. It's an amazing experience. Women that attend wear head coverings in submission to Christ. Families attend, and are stronger because of it.

[ - ] Master_Foo 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:28:07 ago (+0/-0)

It's easy to reject the son of a Jewish-God.
Satan is the son of your God too.
You reject the Jew-God Satan, right? you are just as bad as I am.
The only difference is, I have standards and reject ALL Jewish Gods.
Meanwhile, you have to pretend there is only one, except for when there are three, but trust me bro, they are all just one god, oh, and don't forget the pantheon of Jewish Saints you pray too, they aren't gods, but you'll pray to them anyway.

[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 15:38:48 ago (+0/-0)

He's Catholic, he worships the Queen of Heaven anyway. Why are you wasting your time, retard?

[ - ] Ducktalesooo000ooo 0 points 1 monthNov 30, 2024 13:07:55 ago (+0/-0)

2,000 more years of goyslop?