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Breaking News: upgoat has now been financed for years to come

submitted by oyveyo to whatever 6 daysJan 7, 2025 16:19:05 ago (+57/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


see the edits in the sticky post https://www.upgoat.net/viewpost?postid=6779b4317a2bb


We have accumulated .2719 monero and 0.00050836 bitcoin. That's roughly 2 months of hosting right there. Thank you to everyone who donated. Contact me for a custom badge if you'd like.

Edit 2:

Added donate button in the side bar

Edit 3:

Holy crap! We have an angel or 2?. I have received 14.88 monero x 2 in tips and 14.88 monero to the upgoat vault. With this we have the funds to last for years and I can start planning for bigger things like image hosting. This is going to be a transformative year for our website. Thank you to everyone who believes in me and in upgoat. I won't let you down! 🐐

Thanks to the donors!

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