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TV jew and larping "outdoorsman", Bear Grylls, gets sheboon(Spice Girl, Mel B) to pee on him. This is totally organic and real guise

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Jews 6 daysJan 9, 2025 12:43:40 ago (+7/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Jews like to larp as homesteaders and outdoorsmen, don't they? They also are desperate to insert themselves into Japanese culture, like martial arts.

15 comments block

You tried to make it about all women, as usual. Youve distinguished yourself in the past for woman hate in a place with a lot of fierce competition for who can smear women the most. Ive been really impressed by your performance in particular.

Please don’t gaslight me. You take any and all opportunities to spread anti-woman propaganda, like jews do to whites. Then you feign innocence and claim Im overreacting. Just like jews.

If I point out that its men that run wall street or the pentagon you’ll say “ oh no, those are jews!” But its totally fine when you try to extrapolate the character of all White women based on a tv sheboon