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Here's more of that White privilege that's been going around

submitted by kammmmak to whatever 1 weekJan 10, 2025 11:32:37 ago (+53/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


17 comments block

the education system in the USA.

It's not much more than (((communist))) indoctrination dressed up as a jobs-training program that's been outsourced from the mega-corps to the universities.

Long ago, universities produced great people only because they were a cheap place for those with the drive to know more sought knowledge. In other words, they helped already great/intelligent people learn/experiment/create, "producing" these great people and increasing the idea that universities were responsible when it was the other way around.

Using satanic inversion, jews made the universities a place to mold the riff-raff of society into a producing cog in the great machine. And they enslaved them for the privilege.