The indoctrination has taken years. I remember when I was a kid decades ago they tried it on me generation and it didn't take but they kept at it and the generation after mine ate it up like the nigger dicks they love. Even so it took years to get them to this point.
Now it's suddenly cut off. Not all the way, of course, (there's a lot to do) but Trump has slammed them with a ton of shit that began immediately, like ending nigger preferences, gay flags, bullshit pronouns, etc, that they haven't been prepared for it. These are 'people' that have never been taught emotional strength and they collapse at the slightest disappointment in their lives.
It's going to get worse and worse for them. We'll see their breakdowns for another couple of years at least.
NuckFiggers 0 points 1 week ago
The indoctrination has taken years. I remember when I was a kid decades ago they tried it on me generation and it didn't take but they kept at it and the generation after mine ate it up like the nigger dicks they love. Even so it took years to get them to this point.
Now it's suddenly cut off. Not all the way, of course, (there's a lot to do) but Trump has slammed them with a ton of shit that began immediately, like ending nigger preferences, gay flags, bullshit pronouns, etc, that they haven't been prepared for it. These are 'people' that have never been taught emotional strength and they collapse at the slightest disappointment in their lives.
It's going to get worse and worse for them. We'll see their breakdowns for another couple of years at least.