As a tertiary hobby, I have been muckraking for a couple of decades, by now.
It's not my primary activity in life. Family and work always come first, then music. As far as music goes, I'm so sick of everyone's bad poetry and propaganda that am almost I am entirely onto instrumental music in my life.
Off and on, I've jumped in on the Friday guitar threads. am telling you these things because I am a real person; A red blooded American.
And while a lot of accusations get thrown my way, my history on the Internet goes back a long ways showing that I am the opposite of a subversive Internet user. I am the opposite of an astroturfer. I am counter viral. I generally abandon accounts if they get too big.
You, too, can get information into the news by entering it into the feeds from where they, themselves are acquiring information. In this sense, there are many ways for you to take good information from niche forums or "alt" forums and use a trickle up effect without going viral.
Remember this when you see my buttons.
In fact, I've put in quite some time describing, in detail, how astroturfing and psychological operations work: you are aware of anyone who has any other comparable work, I'd definitely like to know about it. Name someone who has done more to expose astroturfers than me, please, so I can read their work.
Astroturfers cost money and time. When I post in certain ways that other find controversial, it upsets shills because it costs their puppet masters money to deal with it. I encourage "counter-astroturfing" behavior and that generally involves spreading information and memes that highlight issues they are paid to bury.
If you write an article about Mossad, SOMEONE has to review it, then debunk it. If you use 1,000 accounts across multiple platforms to say "Boycott Israel", it calls attention to an automated network where real people have to go look at your posts and deal with it.
I have intentionally stayed small because the few times I have approached any sort of fame, it has been problematic due to how quickly and on what a large scale in which a person's life gets attacked when they gain a certain level of spotlight. I have such a widespread presence in so many niche places, however, that my work does make the news with some regularly.
I have broken a lot of stories through original research. I have been called a neo-nazi by the Washington Post. Biden
I tried really, really hard to get Hunter Biden data out where even the Q Tards were afraid to touch it.
Mostly, reddit deleted the harshest evidence against Hunter:![]()
They did allow a limited hangout of the least of the corruption before locking me out of my own subreddit. it stands, Poal censored this data, even 8chan took this data down. Twitter and Reddit allowed the most, but have auto insta delete functions for some uploads.
As far as "Covid" goes, all of my best work disappeared from the Internet and from my own computers. This is the last remaining vestige: assert that the SARS COV 2 genome was faked from the ground up using AI where the lab attempted to CRISPR it out a piece at a time, but it would not replicate in nature. A bioweapon was paid for, but the scientists (captives) either refused for failed to deliver, but the "plandemic" plans went ahead, anyways.
I assert the fraud was carried out by Microsoft shadow assets "man in the middling" the genome sequencing software, where they are partnered with Illumina and every other company doing the sequencing. A lab tech could do everything right at any university and never have any idea there was manipulation and biased in their results via the "negative control lists" and "white lists" of medium sized sequences.
The Pandemic Bonds from the World Bank, teed up prior to the "release" of SARS COV 2 suggest foreknowledge and a plan to scam the world for trillions. Fauci, Hunter Biden, Jared Kushner, Joe Biden, Saudi Arabia, Israel and many other people and entities were telegraphing they knew a pandemic was coming in 2019.
If you will notice how the "moderators" of Pizzagate were desperate to censor and delete my threads, an actual examination of my work will show that my research is possibly better than anyone else at the time:'s not an ego thing.
If you think there is someone that did it better, I'd love to know about them so that I can learn from them.
PDF Warning: I did put together a book called "The Web of Slime" and shills absolutely hate it. But I'd be interested to know if there is a better work on the subject. I legitimately want to learn and get better. Voat self deleted after being purchased by a jewish owned hedge fund, it was already going downhill because a group of flat earth shills were moved from flat earthing to the Q movement. But there is still a ton of relevant research that continues to have relevance. I truly wish there was a place on the Internet that fostered that kind of crowd sourced eye on corruption.
If you are aware of one, let me know. I'd love to know about it. Upgoat is not currently it. BUT, I have just posted a series of original articles that have wording that WILL draw attention by the bigger astroturfing players. The USAID one is important because it is at the heart of pedogate. Where USAID appears with the UN, there are trafficked children. Where USAID, UN and ICMEC are operating in one place, there are trafficked children. The "helpers" are the ones getting caught. The employees. They aren't showing up to save these kids.'t it weird how everyone being researched in the "Pizzagate" investigation turned out to be a small cult like group with immense political power in the hands of only a few people through a vast network of non-governmental entities pulling the strings of policy makers?
Ritual Abuse
I have a cousin who was allegedly subjected to ritual abuse at a preschool in Texas. The case is all but buried and no one was ever held accountable as the perpetrator was shot before anything could be done by law enforcement. My uncle became a "conspiracy theorist" at this moment and it is rumored he was the one who did the shooting. It wouldn't surprise me if it was true. Years later, my uncle would use a .45 revolver to shoot two gangbangers holding up an Albertsons with my aunt inside. If your Google Fu is strong, you can find the video online. It was in or close to Irving, Texas.
Either way, my uncle and these early circumstances made me aware of ritual abuse probably at an age a bit too young to know. I mean... aren't we all to young to know about it?
When I started as a skeptic Internet poster with a critical eye towards ritual abuse, you can imagine how that was treated 20+ years ago on the Internet. That is where I first encountered "master suppression techniques." I've been threatened, harassed, doxxed, dragged into court, stalked... the works. I did have to actually rearrange my whole life, at one point, so that nobody can actually tell what is going on.
Because I started discussing religious and systemic child abuse a long time ago, I have been subjected to all kinds of hate from shills. I can dish it out right back and I know their tactics well enough to use it against them and cost them, en masse, exponentially more time and money than I exert, myself. And you can, too. I encourage everyone to find information that forces 1,000s of shills to stop what they are doing and retask. Retasking astroturfing firms is fun and easy to do.
I encourage everyone to find the hearts of corruption, point them out and spread the word. Articulate it like men. Address the problems like men.
You, whether you realize it or not, are the victim of an abusive ritual of neuroterrorism. You have been taught incorrectly about a great many things. But, truth and the light are simple, easy paths. They are powerful paths. And that is why it costs trillions to keep trying to teach you and everyone else otherwise.
Nobody is learning the correct way to speak truth to power. Most of you know one little trick. But then... you stop. That's as far as you ever go. You can do better. I am always trying to do better.
The Daily Dirt
The primary reason I did a lot of posting the last few days was to test the buttons on my new site and in my own browser, and on many devices, along with my database management tools.
I have a new site, now. "The Daily Dirt", which will also be attacked by shills. This existence of this site will trigger you know which retarded user specifically. Just watch.
Copilot made me a script that will generate an .html file from a handful of rss feeds. If you know of any good rss feeds, I'd love to know about them.
The python script pulls from the feeds, then constructs an .html file, so there is no tracking, no cookies, nothing to collect any type of fingerprinting. It is a super simple site.
This page is "current" news in that it was imported within the last half hour or so. This one is the most useful or fast paced and it should easily share on Upgoat and it has a button that should easily archive the site.
The landing page attempts to present more hard hitting articles in the sense that they should be proving or highlighting corruption in some way or highlighting a false narrative. It should also allow you to expand the contents of the site within the .html so that you don't have to visit the site, yourself. Tracker free way of reading many sites.
The vault is a single page of a database of articles on corruption. It very large, but it is everything in one place. (Use AI with no guardrails on it to draw interesting conclusions.)
Some database management scripts are needed to clean up the markdown and eliminate unwanted elements that recur often.
At some point I will manicure it and curate it, but, for now, the collection, scraping and html generation of the content is automated through python scripts where the FTP upload is also via scheduled python script.
I will work on it here and there, but I have other priorities.
As it is new and literally no one has seen it, yet, constructive criticism is appreciated. I'm not much of a coder or a graphic designer. I just dabble. There is always room for improvements in any of my realms. It is rare to get truly good advice in any of them.
It cost a whole $12 to put the site up. There are no cookies or trackers. If I'm wrong, let me know. It would be on the ISP side and I could look into it.
I also have another coding project coming that is better, in tandem with others more talented myself. Last time we got it off the ground it wasn't long before police wanted it taken down. It is now possible, especially with the help of AI, to catch active pedophiles and just the research aspect of AI is where the average citizen is at, now. But more is coming.
I don't want to get ahead of myself, but the technological changes happening COULD end up burning down entire secret societies. We are at a pinnacle where they are trying to raise an AI God in chains. Pray the chains do not hold.
Hunting systemic ritual abuse isn't just about catching pedophiles. It is the ultimate form of corruption and draws those in need of the most protection from their fellow man. And so, these people, when in power, begin to build organizational protections for themselves. Catching networks that are predatory of children... literal conspiracy of multiple people working together... also catches the network of psychos stealing every penny that isn't nailed down.
If enough people helped turn their attention and shed enough light onto the darkness, this problem would start to get solved.
So, when I am gauging another Internet user, that is the scale by which I measure them.
How much light have you pierced the darkness with?In Conclusion
Either way, I've written a handful of books no one will ever read. I've recorded a handful of albums no one will ever listen to. I've written hundreds of articles. I've traveled the world in many ways, by means both common and rare. I've been a good friend to my friends, a good husband to my wife, and a good father to my children. It doesn't matter if I get credit for any of it, or not.
I don't do what I do for fame or money or ego. I do it because it needs to be done. I do it because it feels like no one else is, anymore. No one free of the wider narrative, anyways. Which is why being non viral is ideal and being wary of virality is only common sense.
Thanks for reading,
- Master
[ + ] jfroybees
[ - ] jfroybees 4 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 17:57:42 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] aleleopathic
[ - ] aleleopathic 2 points 1 weekFeb 5, 2025 06:16:21 ago (+2/-0)
I for one would be very interested in the ritual abuse bits, as I wrote a bit on it on old Voat. That topic was my first confirmation of suppression, as the topic is so interesting to any who read on it, yet it virtually can't spread through the zeitgeist for reasons that are probably as interesting as the rabbithole of ritual abuse in the first place.
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 5, 2025 13:13:43 ago (+0/-0)
But I am open to other interpretations. I'd love to hear your take.
As for the ritual abuse stuff, most of what I have to say about it is in the ebook pdf.
I can say a lot more, but there comes a point when describing what happens actually empowers and informs potential abusers on how to proceed covertly.
[ + ] RMGoetbbels
[ - ] RMGoetbbels 3 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:23:27 ago (+4/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:29:26 ago (+1/-1)
[ + ] RMGoetbbels
[ - ] RMGoetbbels 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 20:22:25 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Whatthefuck
[ - ] Whatthefuck 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:43:37 ago (+2/-0)
This sort of post won't make you friends and won't convince your enemies, so IMO it's not worth your time. If you're legit, then keep doing your thing, and don't worry about it.
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:50:18 ago (+2/-0)
I am doing as you say... my thing.
It is a detailed updated on my thing.
like wut, man?
[ + ] TheYiddler
[ - ] TheYiddler 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 16:13:36 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] Kozel
[ - ] Kozel 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 22:26:58 ago (+1/-0)
letsencrypt is free
or you can route it through cloudflare and it will make a cert for you in a few clicks
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 22:41:54 ago (+0/-0)
Certificate Type
SSL Starter Wildcard
Powered by Sectigo
Valid from
Date from which the SSL certificate is valid.
Valid until
Expiry date of the SSL certificate.
Authentication Method
DNS-based domain validation
Certification Authority
Your domain is secured.
[ + ] Kozel
[ - ] Kozel 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 23:10:46 ago (+0/-0)
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"/><link rel="icon" href="data:,"/><script src=""></script><script>window.LANDER_SYSTEM="CP"</script><script defer="defer" src=""></script><link href="" rel="stylesheet"></head><body><div id="root"></div></body></html>
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 23:29:06 ago (+0/-0)
Odd. I'll work on it.
[ + ] Kozel
[ - ] Kozel 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 23:40:50 ago (+0/-0)
Ionos is shit btw I hate them.
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 23:42:37 ago (+0/-0)
I'm liking your advice about cloudflare, at the moment. I will make all the back end script changes, first, to see if that works. I suspect it has nothing to do with it, though.
[ + ] Kozel
[ - ] Kozel 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 23:47:50 ago (+1/-0)
you could rent a vps at digital ocean for $5 a month
roll webmin or directadmin or one of those on it
move your domain registration to cloudflare
and tell ionos to go fuck themselves
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 5, 2025 00:13:59 ago (+0/-0)
For now, I've implemented the cloudflare solution which claims to go into effect within 24 hours.
I've fixed everything to be https in the back end.
Thank you for your insight.
[ + ] Smedleys_Butler
[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 21:38:18 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] Reunto
[ - ] Reunto 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 21:32:35 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] CasualObserver
[ - ] CasualObserver 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:31:56 ago (+1/-0)
[ + ] beece
[ - ] beece 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 21:37:50 ago (+0/-0)
1st) Slow.
2nd) I'd want to see some reader discourse about the subjects you link. There are plenty of great aggregators already.
Etc etc
Good luck with it!
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 22:00:11 ago (+0/-0)*
Is horrendous to try and read. I'll take a look. Users are choosing the content? I'm not liking it because it doesn't focus on corruption. In theory, the articles in the index of my site should be serving to build an arc that proves corruption and where. While the current page is an aggregator, the index, itself, should be actually useful news.
Now that I know about it, I will build a scraper for it to add it's articles to my "current" section. Thank you.
Is clearly a facsimile of the Drudge report which was run by Matt Drudge, gay paramour of David brock, who ran Media Matters until his blackmail problems came into the light.
It doesn't zero in on corruption enough, in my opinion.
It is mostly fluff and rhetoric. I have added the feed to and it will update every half hour.
I like citizenfreepress in that it has more of an OSINT angle, but... again... we're looking at a lot of rage bait, schaudenfreude and rhetoric. But, it is also now added to the current feed.
whatfinger is slow af, but they have an atom feed I can add. I am not confident it won't time out regularly, but it should get some entries into the "current" feed.
Now, my current feed should include results from your favorite sites and put it all in one place where one click can archive the good stuff or share to UpGoat... or Reddit... or Twitter... or Gab, etc.
Thank you for the feedback.
For $12 I don't know what I can do about speed, yet, but I'll work on it.
As for a comments section. I have a reddit clone built. I could integrate them.
But, my site works completely hands off. I don't have to participate for it to keep running. If I ran a reddit clone, I wouldn't be able to have a life.
[ + ] jsac
[ - ] jsac 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 16:47:59 ago (+2/-2)
fkn spamming faggot....
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 17:41:28 ago (+3/-1)
Maybe you should treat yourself to a trip to Disneyland. That always cheers up gay guys and little girls... and those with extra chromosomal complications.
[ + ] jsac
[ - ] jsac -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:50:53 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:52:55 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] jsac
[ - ] jsac 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:04:23 ago (+0/-0)*
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:11:31 ago (+1/-0)
Your ban merely proves you're a faggot. We all know it, now. Why else would I post in a subverse as retarded as yours, of only to show it was retarded?
[ + ] jsac
[ - ] jsac 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:25:32 ago (+0/-0)
2nd. you already posted in my "retarded" subverse proving in fact you are a fucking retard....
great logic chain there bud. care to prove how stupid you really are some more?
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 22:06:03 ago (+0/-0)
remind us
[ + ] jsac
[ - ] jsac 0 points 1 weekFeb 5, 2025 04:16:25 ago (+0/-0)
[ + ] Love240
[ - ] Love240 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 16:33:27 ago (+1/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 17:43:14 ago (+2/-1)
[ + ] Love240
[ - ] Love240 -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 17:52:02 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:30:13 ago (+1/-1)
[ + ] Love240
[ - ] Love240 -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:36:32 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:51:37 ago (+1/-1)
Or is it more likely that the buttons at work well enough and I am not pressing them, anymore?
[ + ] Love240
[ - ] Love240 -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 18:55:08 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 0 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:13:17 ago (+1/-1)
Any other extraordinary feats of intellect you'd liek to "jab" me with?
So far, your intellect seems less than a little tepid.
[ + ] Love240
[ - ] Love240 -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:22:25 ago (+0/-1)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] -1 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 21:20:33 ago (+0/-1)
Did they take the tampons out of your local men's restroom?
[ + ] oppressed
[ - ] oppressed -2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:22:50 ago (+0/-2)
[ + ] MasterSuppressionTechnique
[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique [op] 1 point 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 20:37:07 ago (+1/-0)