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Owner: MrGoat


Covid Coercion Coverup in Canada     (
submitted by obvious to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+11/-0)

"The Public Health Agency of Canada study’s conclusions are a fantasy,
quite divorced from reality"
Fake and gay covid back predictions to support panopticon police state.
It's Not The Vaccine Stupid Goy     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+55/-0)
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NBC’s pressitutes on TODAY and senior shill correspondent and vaccine salesman John Torres break down what you need to know - The vaccine can't possibly cause a heart attack the day AFTER getting the shot as it hasn't had enough time. It's simple statistics goy.
I'm calling it now!!! THE TRAIN CHEM SPILL IS A PSYOP TO COVERUP THE VAX DEATHS.     (Covid1984)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+8/-2)
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The symptoms of exposure to these chemicals are identical to the symptoms of the vax!

Now the vax manufacturer and the train company can blame each other and force us to prove who caused these deaths. Hoping that both will get away with it.

Remember how they said the covid symptoms was the same as the vax side effects?

Well here we go again.

This event is yet another fake scare event that bears all the emotional manipulation language, fear, hype and lies of the covid psyop. They are using the same playbook and will now be able to remove an entire rural community to the cities just like they said they would do.

These properties will be sold to Gates and the CCP at firesale prices because people think they are highly contaminated. It's all another life destroying, globalist profit making scam.

We have been expecting the die off to start accelerating and they have the cover story ready. That's why they are having chemical spills all over the place now.

The residue on people's cars east of Palestine could easily be sprayed from planes. We are already used to seeing planes spraying all day. That has been normalized for years now. Could this be the real reason they did this?

Thoughts guys?!
Dr. Naomi Wolf on the War Room: Based on a Recent Sample of Deceased COVID Vaccine Is Likely Causing Catastrophic Damage to Recipients     (
submitted by Boone_Clone to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+5/-0)
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Covid: Conspiracy or Stupidity?     (
submitted by UncleDoug to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+2/-0)
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The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program     (
submitted by ParnellsUprising to Covid1984 1.3 years ago (+34/-0)
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Pfizer is having discussions about mutating viruses purposefully, for reasons I don't have to explain to you. (Project Veritas)     (
submitted by TheSimulacra to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+31/-0)
Fauci previously said an AIDS vaccine wasn’t happening because they didn’t know if "all hell would break loose" 12 years later     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+32/-0)
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Fauci previously said an AIDS vaccine wasn’t happening because they didn’t know if "all hell would break loose" 12 years later with side effects. How is he + the medical community so sure now that we aren’t going to see all he’ll break loose on the most rushed vaccine in history?
Theyre poisoning children!     (Covid1984)
submitted by con77 to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+25/-2)
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first of all its not a vaccine. they literallty changed the definition to include it.

its an experimental DNA altering drug.

coronavirus. common cold.

covid. coronavirus genetically altered to be more infectious purposefully for use as a bioweapon.

theyre trying to kill you
What model of reality allows someone to understand our crazy world the best?     (
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+2/-1)
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Understanding the behaviour and tricks of psychopaths is the best model.

Narcissistic reality warping abuse is how everything works in our society because it's ruled by psychopaths!!!

When you understand this you will see the scams coming a mile off.

Learn what narcissistic abuse and gaslighting is and you will understand how the sheeple are hearded to the slaughterhouse with manipulation and lies.

This is the psychopaths playbook!

Knowing these tricks will save your life.
Problem - Plan, vs Plan - Problem.     (
submitted by qwop to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+26/-0)
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''The State of Israel committed to scientific excellence and innovation and was working closely with WHO to establish a centre for digital health''     (
submitted by didyouknow to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+11/-0)
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Sudden Athlete Death Syndrome     (
submitted by v0atmage to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+14/-0)
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There's no helping some people. The brainwashing has seeped into every pore.     (Covid1984)
submitted by Terraeri1 to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+29/-0)
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Best friend since childhood. Her mother was diagnosed in October with stage 4 cancer of Lungs, Brain and a rare Adrenal gland cancer. She had every Vax and Booster.

I've been trying to convince said friend since the very beginning of the Vax rollout that it's poison. Told her it causes cancer, heart attacks, strokes etc. Even told her that people are developing rapid cancers that present as stage 4 straight away and many are developing rare cancers too.

Her mother develops stage 4 cancer AND a rare one at that too... according to her it's "Just a coincidence"

Thought I'd finally convinced her a month ago she seemed to get nervous when I showed her the mountain of evidence that is coming out

Nope. Her and her mother had another booster 2 weeks ago.

Called me yesterday... Mother has a bloodclot in her leg.

This time the excuse is it's caused by the cancer.

There's no helping some people... seriously.

Imagine the disconnect going on in their brains to come to the conclusion that it's all conjecture.
My boomer inlaws just woke up!      (Covid1984)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.4 years ago (+40/-1)
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They are the very last people I would ever think would see the light.

They have been vaxxed to the max and regurgitated every msm talking point for the last three years. They where zombies, incapable of seeing the truth no matter how obvious the scam.

They looked down on me like I was insane and paranoid this whole time. Openly mocked me and arrogantly dismissed all facts presented to them with the catchphrases they heard from the media. They literally laughed in my face for the last three years.

They sure seemed like the most brainwashed I know. They where a lost cause and I gave up trying to reach them.

This week they told me that they don't trust anything on the news now!

I couldn't believe what I was hearing them say.

It looks like this isn't isolated and many of the brainwashed are facing the horrific truth that it was all lies. That they got poisoned and forced to take part in the most absurd micromanaging pathological games.

This spells the end for the covid hoax and the psychopaths running everything.

And we will soon see the twatter Fauci files soon.

It's time for us to step up a gear and be ready to show them the true nature of our government and law enforcement. To put the final nail in the coffin of these satanic monsters.

Get ready also for the coming tsunami of whistleblowers across the board exposing the treason.

Merry Christmas voat goats.

We have won and these sick tucks know it.
U.S. Department of Defense issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID-19 was known to officially exist     (
submitted by obvious to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+35/-0)
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Funding Wucough research in Ukraine? What did they know?
To the surprise of no one except queeri, FDA links death vax to blood clots     (
submitted by v0atmage to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+47/-1)
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Trending on twatter - #Fauci almost one million twats!!!     (Covid1984)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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Fauci is getting destroyed in the comments!

Many are calling for his immediate arrest.

Lots of post with articles and videos showing this rat did this all deliberately.
Wuhan Lab 'Whistleblower' Blows the Lid Off Covid Origins Story, Claims U.S. Handed China 'Bioweapons Technology'     (
submitted by obvious to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+4/-0)
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"The US government is to blame for the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese,"
Calling Fauci, this one is for you!
Pfizer Documents Reveal that It's Really True: They Know they are Killing the Babies     (
submitted by beece to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+34/-0)
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It's just a conspiracy theory that (((they))) poison the public in order to make huge profits.      (
submitted by didyouknow to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+49/-0)
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the Left’s COVID social-credit system refuses to wither away in the face of real science     (
submitted by Typhoon8 to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+1/-0)
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Even the chinks are fed up. - Fighting hazmat suit wearing officials, destroying testing centres, and flipping cop cars.     (
submitted by Not_C to Covid1984 1.5 years ago (+19/-0)
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Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy     (
submitted by obvious to Covid1984 1.6 years ago (+5/-0)

Table 1. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) receptor-binding domain antibodies detection according to time of sample collection in all regions.
Month Patients IgG+, n (%) IgM+, n (%) IgG+ and/or IgM+, n (%)
September 162 3 (1.9) 20 (12.4) 23 (14.2)
"Given the temporal delay between infection and antibody synthesis, these results indicate that the virus circulated in Italy "before Sep 2019.
The narrative that Covid came from WuHan bat soup" is BS
Emily Oster of the Atlantic "Pandemic amnesty". HOW MUCH DID YOU GET PAID? WHO GAVE THE ORDERS? WHAT WHERE YOU TOLD?     (Covid1984)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 1.6 years ago (+35/-0)
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This bitch demonized us and tried to force us to comply with the biggest genocide in human history!

But now she doesn't want to be held accountable because that would mean she would be executed for these capital crimes. But she hasn't been honest about her involvement in this.

She hasn't named names on who was orchestrating this behind the scenes. Who told her what to write or how big the bonuses where for her to turn traitor on humanity.

We are all just supposed to forgive and forget.

FUCK NO EMILY! We want the truth and your life depends on it.

We should start flooding her twatter account with these questions and demand answers. Not just her but all the celebrities and news pundits that acted as unregistered foreign agents in a horrific war against us all!

We can put enough pressure on these traitors that some will crack and give us the names of the organizers and organizations behind it all.


Let's force the question and I'm sure their reaction will speak volumes at a time when the useful idiots ar waking up to the fact that the media whores sold them lies that got them and their kids poisoned.

Thoughts guys?!